r/loseit. I was able to dress better. No matter what the outcome is I will still be disappointed. Unfortunately, according to the DEXA scan, I lost only 7. When the weight drops off quickly the skin doesn’t have chance to slowly shrink back with you. Edit: I forgot about threads - that could work quite well and whilst not cheap it’s def not as expensive as surgery. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here! Jealousy and Toxic Friends After Weight Loss. Some people may experience hair loss during or after weight loss. The one thing you do need to do is be patient. It can really help to realise even a small loss is actually a difference to the body. She was average, but looked heavier, especially in pics, due to her large cheeks, recessed chin (showing a slight double chin), and large facial features. Reply reply. no sugar, no alcohol, cardio cardio cardio, weight lifting. Lipo with gland removal is the standard procedure globally for the best results; its actually almost always necessary for a great result. Progress pics must show a clear before and after, in the same image, of your own progress. But, overall, her big Apple cheeks were still an issue. is no small feat, and you'll be better off for it. It was for a large weight loss contest so I had that extra motivation that helped keep me insanely honest. 6lbs and 4. My doctor advised me to lose some weight before the surgery, and at first, everything was going well. 1 inches of penis. Advantages: You start out at a weight you're happy with. Did 80% of getting rid of the pouch there. I've gone from a UK size 16 to a size 8 now. I’m a 22 year old male who initially started at 222lbs back in February. My cardiologist gave the ultimatum. If it helps someone else recognize the warning signs I was ignoring all those years then I would be happy. LobsterAstronaut. Divide them in two. One part is weight, a lighter person puts less weight on any body part they use to support themselves. I would almost literally black out while doing this as if I actually had no control over the food I was putting into my mouth. Previous Weight Loss Journey: You'd think after all these years I would learn how to control my diet and eat better. , which is the most I’ve weighed in years. After a few sessions, you'll know what muscles you can work the same days. At the end of the journey, your body might be 125lbs lighter, but YOU are still YOU on the inside. 2 inches of penis. I thought I would document some symptoms I had from the excess weight and how I feel now. My posture was terrible before hitting the gym and my thoracic spine Might not be common but it does seem to happen. We’re 1 day old, be patient with us. Anesthesia is $2,450. I suggest pics every 10 pounds or so, I feel like that's when you can see the differences best. I didn’t start working out for my penis but it did make a ton of difference 7 months ago it was around 4. And yet, the difference on my face is huge. Stair master Is also solid for weight loss but I always feel like im putting in 2x the work for 25% less calories burned within a 30 min period. While losing this weight I’ve noticed something really weird. By going keto, then switching to I really want it done, but I could lose some more weight before we start cutting my skin so I’m doing that first and see how I feel. I am more sensitive to cold then I was before. Big mistake. meeow3 • 75lbs lost • 6 mo. A lot of people, especially those that have lost a significant amount of weight will never see their arms get small without surgery. It just shows progress. Eat to live, don't live to eat. I got a $1,000 discount for being a repeat customer. After losing 10 pounds from 130 to 120 is when double chin went away for reference I am 5'1. The face and neck are always areas that seem to get leaner and more defined as you lose weight. 5kg loss a week, but you're in it for the long haul I'd recommend that anyone on a weight loss journey involve a doctor in the process, not just a fitness coach or nutritionist. Ridiculously strong tiny muscles. 5lbs of fat and a sad 16. Before and after. 2. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here! Before and after 140Lb weight loss And what it brings. Second, I honestly believe the treatment and attention I received was due to the weight loss. Harsh seasons, busy schedules, and everyday stress can be used as excuses to put off taking the first steps towards shedding those extra pounds. This community wants to show the beauty of woman's body through her change. 4lbs after dieting and running 4 days a week. Moisturize. And one of the worst things I've had to get used to is how absolutely rude and jealous people can act. (M 6') 15. Here is how that $17,900 breaks out. 3. 120 lbs. It's extremely hard and it's not pleasant. ) And after running a ton of tests, the specialist A few years ago food controlled EVERYTHING! Before and After 30 lb weight loss! I used to restrict my calories to almost nothing and then I would have bouts of uncontrollable binge-eating periods. I dropped a good 30lbs in the first 4-5 months. It is 2 months. •. Keto, paleo, Meditrianin, water fasting, and intermittent fasting, Out of them all intermittent fasting is the best one I've been on despite doing it for a week. View full post on Instagram. How I feel then and now. I posted in here maybe a month or 2 ago about losing weight. Based on OPs diet numbers he was averaging 1700 calories of food a day. When u were 300lbs there was so much fat in your mid section that it became compact around your organs. What I have noticed since I have lost so much weight and have reached my weight loss goal is that people treat me differently in both a positive and negative way. Second, putting on muscle+fat is very different from putting on just fat. So you have more muscle mass but you also have less fat. Ok yeah, fat does seem to soften up as you lose it. However, my friend recently told me she heard once your arms are big and wobbly they’re likely never going to be slim and toned. So I want to fix my health. The best way is to stay consistent with your diet and keep track of your weight, mood, calories, etc. 1-6. CONSUMING CALORIES. I magically gain 2-3 pounds overnight when my period starts, then over a week gradually lose it again. The further you go in your weightloss the smaller your belly will get. megannne. I’m now in a better mindset at 30- healthy weight but not obsessive. Just because your face is different doesn't mean it's weird or bad. I want to preface this by saying that I am extremely proud of my 120 lb weight loss. This leads to. Worst case scenario, I fuck with compression shirts and shorts on the rest of my life and never look myself in the mirror while I attend therapy multiple times a week to hate myself less. g. The total cost for that surgery is $17,900. I'm not done losing weight but I am down about 50lbs from last year. It's been discussed before, but there will be a height increase with significant weight loss (assuming you were obese). If your skin tightened up, you got lucky on the genetic draw or other factors were involved. Award. This drug affects people in wildly different ways, and that can change even changing dose strengths. Spirited_box34. You're able to see your shape start developing, even if it is a bit covered. Usually the best calves are either on lifelong bodybuilders and former fat guys. ago. There are in total five pictures from different periods within my weightloss journey. Ya first time I lost weight (years ago) I was 15. Portion control, flexible low carb, CICO. Progress comes in many forms other than weight loss such as addiction recovery, fitness transformations, gender changes, etc. 9in and after losing 50lbs (I used to be 280lbs) it’s around 6. Perfectly normal. It's a mental battle as long as a physical one. I'd say 120 lbs. Shin area/front of your lower leg, ankle/wrist, and the much less recommended neck/face varieties would also be fairly weight-loss proof. This couple decided to get in shape right after the birth of their son. I’m in maintenance mode now, and loving what this medication has done for me. Well hydrated bodies heal better. If you have a strong core and the right form, you can ease the pressure on your hands by supporting your whole body evenly in the pose. Upper arm tattoos and leg sleeve no physical sag or change at all. Drink lots of water, but also hydrate your skin. People will treat you differently based on your appearances. My face before and after weight loss (yes, weight loss. An incredible reddit weight loss transformation! 238 kg gone! During a year he lost 113 kg. Some things that might help: Lose the weight slowly and responsibly. All bodies are beautiful. But this happens a lot, so no, you don't have to be concerned. Various life events happened and I regained all the weight +23lbs over the next 5 years. I am now working on that. Then I decided to cut down on even more calories, thinking it would speed up my progress. des1gnbot. For one, I'm a little self-conscious and two, I'm at the home stretch of my weight loss journey, so I figured I'd wait until I hit my goal. It just is. No medical reasons asked - but you can share if you want to and are respectful of others. Took of MI quad rail and replaced it with slr rifleworks ultra lite rail I found for stupid cheap at the gun show (rare since most gun show rails are Chinesium crap). I didnt cheat. This is a condition called TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM. This will be a great community soon! This is a safe place to discuss weight loss via Ozempic use. Snack 1- fruit or health snack bar. • 2 yr. In general, yes it’s definitely much easier to get dates at a lower weight and I get treated with greater respect I think. Lost around 70lbs and gained around 1-1. After mulling it over, I signed up for Weight Watchers. ValorVixen. Reached current weight mid 2016. However recently experiences with men have made me really uncomfortable and sometimes I think it would be easier if I just weighed as much as I did before. I'm a natural perfectionist so I'm in a losing battle regardless of what I do after this weight loss. ) When someone see someone who looks at a healthy weight. At night it got so bad I would get shivers in my spine and my feet ached constantly from being cold. People see how active I am so I get a lot more attention from active people, before I would have nothing in common or anything to talk about. You sit down and the waistband dips down I was 75kg at 12, fast forward to my mid 20s and I was 50kg (by unhealthy means). I enrolled in a weight-loss program today and I'm wondering, is there a hope? My doctor diagnosed me with hypercholesterolemia and stage 2 hypertension cos' I already reached 160 systolic blood pressure. Stay hydrated. When it comes to weight in wrists, I think it's a 2-part problem. It's high maintenance. It's a combination of changing my lifestyle, being careful about what I was eating and incorporating some easy hacks that resulted in faster (yet healthy) weight-loss. If you get your stomach or boobs, yeah it's gonna look weird and pulled out, but there's loads of areas you can get them that won't be affected. I still had crushingly low self esteem. The most dramatic you can get with no neck lift is necktite. M/35/5’9” SW: 203lbs CW: 171lbs (3 years). Yes, random guys would approach me and hit on me. qualifies as significant. Unresolved sleep apnea, auto-immune issues, respiratory problems and so many other things can dramatically affect your progress. try to maintain your weight for 3 weeks at a time. If you aren't losing weight, you may be gaining muscle too, so take measurements and/or test your body fat with calipers. Do it beforehand, and perhaps go slightly lower than your ideal male weight. Some free weights, some machine. I was 301 the day I stopped drinking & went on a diet. 50 pounds per inch seems to be an okay estimate. But it has always been this way and it will always be this way. if you gain or lose at the end of 3 weeks, adjust the calculators suggested number by 100, and try again. I’m down to 205. There's science behind this effect too: -obesity is associated with lower testosterone levels in men across age groups, losing weight has been shown to increase testosterone. The chin was significantly improved, everything was. Everyone carries weight differently so results will vary. When I haven't lost fat, but I have dropped water weight, I notice this happens. I'm unsure, but facial yoga could help. The difference between these two photos is 61 kg. Many of us also binge ate when we drank. Still trying to be consistent with exercise. You're always walking that fine fine line between curvy and fat-looking. Soon we’ll have mods, fixed topics and flairs. 8 months on Oz- 82lbs. I did not technically get taller, however, I was able to straighten my spine and posture with exercises that granted me the extra height and I now stand at 5'10 1/2" tall and 178 lbs. I'm 20f, and I've lost 18kg in the past 6 months. I think saving for a neck lift may be your best option. pack of crisps, chocolate, soda, beer, juice) should be enough to make the difference. Might be a slow, ~0. This is a common pitfall that you need to be aware of. I use r/loseit for education and support. Your video starts by mentioning the "Biggest Loser" where most people go on army style bootcamps full-time, lose a ton of weight, go home and put it all back Jun 13, 2018 · Weight loss can often feel like an uphill battle, especially if you are told to run up a hill by your trainer, but the rewards can be life-changing. everything so you won't be surprised and will know it's water weight. Some people see/feel nothing on the lower doses. Then again, I'm not big so there's that. I didn't want them distorted by weight fluctuations and I figured unless I really went overboard my wrist was a pretty safe place. 2in so working out makes a lot of difference but we’re all different and different sizes. Also I believe losing subcutaneous water (which is common when you "clean up" your diet) causes this feeling. Your body's cells are constantly being replaced and it could help to give them time to adapt. This sub advocates the bodypositive philosophy. You just wind up with guys with "baby dick legs" deadlifting 400 lbs. Now that you have lost weigh the fat is leaving and giving your organs the room they need. I was 5'9 1/2" when I began my journey and 367 lbs. the middle number for all 7 days will be your weight for the week. More muscle (less fat) + calorie deficit + cardio. [deleted] • 6 mo. Especially other girls. Any fat you gain goes right away to the ass and thighs. Good bye quad rail and fsp. If it fits on the waist, it's WAY too tight on the thighs. I’ve worked VERY hard in the gym and the fat loss completely transformed my face. 122 pounds down. On the plus side, I lost a total of 24. Leading-Fan-64. 4. The only thing in common is the weight LOSS. firepeacock7362. I know that we cannot spot reduce and it will come off only with overall weight loss. They put a couple of probes in and suck the fat out, then same probes use heat to contract skin inside and out at the same time. Down 79 pounds; gained 1. I know this is an old post, but I can say that the stair master can certainly help you lose weight. I have a few on my thigh and lower leg, am down about 60lbs and they don't look any different. Yeah it sucks to realize how shallow the world is. It's okay to eat more one day and then less another. Arm lift is $5,250. Breakfast- 2 eggs 2 slices of turkey bacon glass of grapefruit juice. The thing to stress is that those things only look weird to you and no one else, and you will get used to them as time passes. Good question on the low energy- I had some but not like fatigue where I couldn’t function normally. I’m a guy in my early thirties and I started at 313, so a similar starting weight, similar age which seems like an uncommon combo of attributes on this subreddit. Keep going. It's really best to work your entire body throughout the week: arms, back, core, legs, cardio. 50 pounds is an OSHA work lift limit for a reason. Over 5 weeks, that is a daily deficit of 2,450 calories. Post surgical garment is $100. I remember how I would need to use filters I deliberately put my tats in places where it doesn't matter. Even just a few kg can feel hefty in the hands, imagine walking around with a 5kg bag of potatoes ALL day. I still thought I was fat, even though I was like 150 lbs as a 5'10 male. Pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, surgery, sport, natural tits growth, aging all those things that make the body always sexier. (Officially, it's a "painful, small-fiber peripheral neuropathy", with no obvious cause. Yes. Part of it is posture, and the other is spinal compression. • 9 mo. Now that I am done with college, I am trying to lose weight. lose weight, get a massive dick - YEAH!!!!! Understand that since you already lost the weight once, if all else fails, you will be able to lose it again. Start working on your self esteem now so that you have the confidence later. Somebody who is ripped and extremely low in body fat has a more angled face with a chiseled jawline, defined cheekbones, and compact shape. I carry a bunch of weight in my arms and always have. A few are alright! Drink a lot of water!!!!!! Weight loss progress (before & after) January 26th I weighed in at 225 lbs. It took her 5 years to lose 36 kg, but she did it! Weight Loss Tips: How to lose body fat And that felt like I lost a lot more than 35lbs. I started researching option, and began my semaglutide journey in March. 10 pounds will not make your face saggy I lost over 200 and I’d say under my chin is a little saggy but my face is fine 🤷🏻‍♂️ probably in your head. It’s funny because my weight loss was only 20 pounds - I went from 150 to 130 (as a 5’3” 20f at the time). Smoking fucks with your circulation, tends to cause erectile dysfunction in men. I don't think it's as simple as an inch per 50 pounds, but there is penis to be found beneath the fat! Reply reply. F/64/ 5’9” SW 361 CW 194 GW 160ish? After losing then gaining over the years, 105 lb gone since May 2023. Carrying around extra weight does not leave your body unaffected! Yes, confidence can play a factor, but so many studies have shown that people who are bigger get treated differently, and that's the truth. Before and After. Treat eating as an enjoyable way to replenish needed nutrition, not as a way to comfort yourself. Any amount of weight you lose, is amazing and you should be very proud of yourself for doing that. I looked better. The before photo (taken Dec 2022) is what did it for me… making me realize my internal image of what I looked like was definitely inaccurate. I've always found face transformations to be interesting in losing weight. I am now down to 275 as of this morning after 14 weeks (38 lbs). It should tighten again over time, although that is a pretty small amount Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here! Weight loss and “pretty” privilege. Hydrate well! Slowly incorporating weights or just calisthenic exercise that target your core and lower back will build muscle in that area along with sufficient protein intake. Hi! It sounds like you're asking about hair loss during fasting. Anyway, congratulations on the weight loss. _Slicky_. I do really want to get a large back piece though. If you currently stay at the same weight, then one less snack a day (e. Before and After: Face Transformation. Better circulation, more blood going to the penis to help it get erect, harder penis and "bigger" penis. Eating low-cal snacks that fill you help helped me lose weight because I found I was less hungry when I got home from work, and I didn't want to eat everything in sight. Last time I posted people didn’t seem to believe me so here’s more pics My second surgery coming up in November is for my arm lift and breast lift and reduction. Jefit has tons of different weight exercises within each of these categories. You know what it takes and that you're able to do it. They think that that person has done something right and even though they may be nicer it's a two way street. I know part of this is basically just that you get smaller, faster than your skin can tighten up. If you stall for more than two weeks, lower your calories by a few hundred daily. You do not need to be 10-12% bodyfat for best results either. When I feel bad about my dark circles (which are genetic) I focus on the positive things about my weight loss, like the dimples in my May 6, 2021 · After gaining weight in high school, @hopebby_fit started a vegan diet and started lifting weights and doing cardio to lose 50 pounds. As someone preparing for weight loss surgery, I want to share a crucial lesson I've learned on my journey. every day, before you eat, after toilet, undressed, weigh yourself and record each weight. Here's to ten years of weight loss (before and after photo) I've been a long time poster but I've been hesitant to put up any progress pics. 5%BF-- according to my scale. All in all, it should go back to normal, just give it a bit if time. Even men get them while growing rapidly or gaining weight fast. Thanks - Pic on the left is from 2012 - I lost a decent amount of weight by improving my diet, and started boxing at 230lbs in June 2015. My two tattoos are on my wrist for this reason. Weight loss is so gradual you barely notice the changes while they're happening, it's only when you look back at the old pictures you get how far you've come. I think it was more the calorie deficit as my body started learning to use my fat for energy instead of food. Losing weight WILL make your BODY more attractive, but will not make YOU more attractive. Do it 'after' some fat redistribution, well in to HRT. Dieting while studying is too hard so I didn't try, Now that I am trying I am losing weight very easily. For example my room is currently at It’s perfectly normal, less fat underneath your skin means that your veins will become more visible. 17. A weight loss journey that made me lose 50 kg since 2019 ️ I began at 105 LG arriving finally to 55. Stretch marks aren't just a pregnant womens problem, but we don't talk about it enough. I still have a bit of fat around the pelvic region, tho LED won’t do much for you. 18 bags of 10kg dog food, LOTS of tubs of butter ha. I guess an average day of what I would eat- These are all interchangeable with similar foods. Which likely means that you're now fitting into the size your feet actually are and your feet were too wide before,so they needed the extra room. Nope, no height gain for me after 120+lb loss. Let's cut to the chase. I build my way up and eventually starting using it at level 15. 11. As of today, I’ve lost 25 lbs so far. Moisturizing helps hydrate surface layers, reducing the appearance of fine papery wrinkles, but that loose skin has a layer of adipose tissue under it and that is mostly why it persists in some people. That's not because the exercise is pointless for weight loss, but because the effort an obese person has to exert for this exercise is enormous. The other part is form and strength. It is a temporary condition most often caused by rapid weight loss and/or nutritional deficiency. Is it possible for my blood pressure to go normal without the help of maintenance meds if I lose weight? Exceptional work dude! This is so inspirational to me. So if you have lost weight, you will feel uncomfortable, but if you started out that way, it would be normal. I decided then and there that I needed to do something about it. (That's not good). Congratulations, you have earned some battle scars. Disadvantages: While doing so, if on HRT, you won't get the fat redistribution as you're not adding on new fat to go to new places. I had it severely the first time I lost weight. • 3 yr. It's also why a lot of smokers have trouble getting it up. No amount of face exercises will tighten loose skin. If, however, you carry it more in your upper body (barrel chested), hips (pear shaped) or more evenly all over This time around, I'm armed with not only a weight scale, but also an Apple Watch, ketone strips, and DEXA scans before and after. Also finding pants is *a nightmare* ; if it fits in the thighs it's WAY too big on the waist. Yes, I know I have committed a great sin by removing my fsp. Breast lift is $5,775. I recently have lost a significant amount of weight as I shared in a previous post yesterday in which I included before and after pictures (100 pound weight loss). In 11 months I hit 195 and am now about 205 after gaining my Covid 15 lbs. I know a guy who likes to share his weight loss in real life items. Ironically they gain strength at about the same rate as other muscles. I am now 117 pounds. Lean protein sources, (and protein/creatine supplements). At 39 years old I gained 3/4" of height. I’ve had lip filler but I had it before too. Reply. For example, if you're 60lbs overweight and tend to carry all your excess fat in that area (nsfw diagram) you may very well uncover a hidden couple inches with a 60+lb loss. Absolutely! Seeing the changes you're going through really reminds you why it's worth it. There's definitely fat on your feet, but you can't change your bone structure/the actual length of your feet. Semi-invasive. Here on reddit regarding my weightloss. I'm not sure how much that would be impacted by weight loss/gain though. Not plastic surgery) I wish it was that easy. (4) Lose about 1-2 lbs a week. -adipose (fat) tissue can convert testosterone into estrogen (estradiol), which in turn can further suppress testosterone production. Coolsculpt treats fat and does not tighten skin. I promised in that post, when im near my goal weight, i will show before and after pics and: Im 1 pound away from it (im currently 79,1 kg and my goal is 78) so i want so share my before and after pics. Once you are slim (say <=16-18%), this is perfectly sufficient for acheiving the maximum result possible at any weight. Hahahahaha, I was thinking the same thing the other day! I was sitting in a hard chair and noticed how uncomfortable it was. She lost weight and it did help. It cost me about 5k. 6lbs of lean tissue. high in sugar. Stats: 5’2 (155 cm), 187 lbs (85 kg), age 22. Though I lost the majority of the weight a year ago, I happened to look at an old video of mine and was shocked by how different my face looked. Some fruits are you don't want to eat too much of for example grapes. But today I hit a huge milestone: I fit into a single Accomplishments! A Before (ish) and After. My lowest weight was 174lbs which is barely below “obese” according to BMI. One thing you may notice is although your appetite is ‘normal’, you may begin to feel full after eating much less than you normally would. People who may not think that they are healthy or doing the right thing may resent that person. ShannaNuckles. On top of this my personality, attitude and interests have changed with my weight loss meaning I now have more in common with different groups of people. ogod_notagain. Firstly, losing weight is hard. No they don't go away, but if you start to look a lot of people have stretch marks. By far the easiest way to lose weight is diet, and it doesn't need to be significant changes. Look on the bright side, at least you can be certain that those guys at your workplace are the shallow type. You are becoming more vascular from working out. Hump still there but much less noticeable. Although I do think mine is mostly genetic too because my mom has always had a double chin, even at her smallest of weighing 90 pounds (she’s 4’10” on a good day). 6 foot male at 200 lbs has a BMR of about 2000 calories. Basically whatever you are doing is working and you have nothing to worry about. In a year she lost 25 kg and he, 14. Loose skin happens when your diet drastically changes and is usually seen when you go from eating a billion calories of shit food to suddenly eating small potions of healthy foods. 1700 - 2000 = -300, so he needs an extra 2150 calories of excercise a day to hit the 2450 calorie deficit. . If you love the designs you want, go for it! 2. Results after; less self medicating, and more professional help. . Sometimes I still feel like before, I’m just gonna work a bit on my mind till I feel good again 🙆🏻‍♀️ ADMIN MOD. a-fresh-new-start. Well! No! I tried numerous diets that lasted 2-4 days. But for sure weight loss/exercise helped a lot. I think with years of work, you will definitely see a difference if you keep at it! But it may just be anatomy. First off, the weight loss was a very stressful time for me emotionally, so I don't think I came across as any more happy or approachable than usual. For the last few months, I've been experiencing a weird complication that has baffled both my doctor and a specialist: After losing 75 pounds, I developed tingling and occasionally pain in my feet and hands. For me: Day 1: biceps, shoulders, chest Day 2: triceps, back, core I don't work on my legs because I run and bike. dh nq uq gf mo yn pn ht ys wf