Japanese and americans reddit

Japanese and americans reddit

There was outrage (outrage!) when the Japanese paid something like $200 million for Pebble Beach Golf Club; it was barely news when the Japanese sold it a few years later to American investors for something like $30 million. It's just an abbreviation - Japanese words are abbreviated to two kanjis all the time. It was called the 442 Regimental Combat Team and started in 1943. In terms of food from other Asian cultures, it's better in California and Hawaii where there are large AA communities. Most of the Japanese-Americans I know have been here in the US for a long-ass time (I'm 4th gen). But there’s always a select few that have some sort of deep resentment towards us. For example, a lot of people find a Russian accent to be very rough and strong and French accents to be hot. Come to Japan and start up successful solar power maufacturing company. Lots of firsts recently. I'm a 5th generation my Mom is san-sei (3rd g) and my Dad is yon-sei (4th g). Japanese companies (well, Honda anyway) treats their employees like GOLD compared to the other Fortune companies I have worked for, however. Likewise, your Iberian great-grandparent is a bit more represented in your mix at 13. Nevertheless, as you also mentioned, the current situation in the U. In eighth grade, most of us learn about the camps for the first time. So names like Atsuo, Itsuki, Katsuro, Tsubaki, and the like might not be a good choice. We go over the internment camps in great depth. Japanese tend to be wary of outsiders, but most of the interactions I see between Japanese and Americans are positive. Wait until you get PR (and can sort garbage and read McDonald’s menu) before the divorce. Toyota is a Japanese company, but has more American components than "american" car manufacturers. Where I lived for 8 years, also is a spring training area for several teams. Statistically Japanese eat on average 1. It's also worth noting that, as opposed to In your case, you received less DNA from your paternal grandmother (23. Japan's society prepares its people to work primarily for the good of the whole society rather than just the individual himself, and the salaryman is a part of that. It is chaotic indeed. Japan did not "withdraw" from Korea--the Japanese Empire surrendered to its adversary, the Allied Powers, leaving the hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers, bureaucrats, and myriad civilians who were abroad American here, lived in Japan for 4 years. dalkyr82 • Permanent Resident • 9 mo. Unfortunately, a lot of JAs I know don’t Most of what the Japanese people choose to remember from the war is unfortunately the atom bomb, which is obviously a symbol in many Japanese people's eyes of American's backhanded victory, at the expense of honoring those lost to Japanese atrocities during the war. S. My grandmother lived in the Tule Lake internment camp during World War II. Japanese hotels > anything in the US. German-Americans were white Americans, and it was not as popular for whites to round up fellow whites as with whites rounding up on those who had different facial features than them. Why do Americans mostly Anglo at that visit the Hiroshima A-Bomb memorial? Edit: After further discussions, I determined he is a liar, racist, and a troll. People dress like slobs or wear obnoxiously bright colors. There is nosuch house memorial on the tour. For example most Chinese restaurants here sell the same 10 items. Had the civilian government attempted to sign such an agreement, presuming the Army Ministry didn't simply collapse The death rates in the japanese internment camps were identical to the death rates of non interned civilians of the same period (1. Because the German-American population was far too large and too integrated within the white society for interment. Asmongold has been voted 'Best MMORPG Streamer' at the 2022 and 2023 Streamer Awards. The atmosphere in general is way better its dark, moody and genuinely creepy, the villian actually looks scary and gets more backstory, the plot is more in depth, and the acting is better. Older people might call their sister-in-law oneesan tho. I have been with my boyfriend for a year. Serious answer: The vast majority of Japanese women want nothing to do romantically with foreign men of any nationality - period. Japanese schools are incredibly competitive. In English we read Farewell to Manzanar, which is about one girl's experience in the internment camps. But in most cases it is a don't ask, don't tell w/Japan, but renewing your passport may force the question. Or "I love you too, random citizen!" May need someone with Japanese etymology knowledge to check this: 1 - I would translate it like this: "foreigner" = "gaikokujin" and "gaijin"= "for'ner" (like the way we abbreviate over to o'er). If you want someone to do something, you need to directly tell them what you want. He is expected to work long hours, additional overtime, to participate in after-work leisure activities such as drinking and visiting hostess bars with his colleagues, and to value Wow, not even 88% of Americans feel friendly toward other Americans! Easy to feel friendly towards someone the idea of someone if you don't actually have to interact with them! /s. 2 things. Being Asian American, especially born in the U. This is hardly exclusive to 3DS systems. Some people are friendly, but a lot of people are actually rude. Today, given relatively low rates of births and immigration Strong majorities in all seven nations surveyed back the United States, including roughly three-quarters or more of Kenyans (80%), Ghanaians (77%), Tanzanians (75%) and Senegalese (74%). Now compare that to the experiments the Japanese performed on American POWs. It could be for a number of reasons, usually No, these are very much Japanese characters that they're just running over and turning white. terrassine. Even old people, customer service workers, and the students thought I was Japanese. The story behind the store was unknown until the mid-1990s. I went to visit my mother, who lived near DC. Of course the wings, battery, and much of the body of Boeing's latest plane is made in Japan. Things that made nazi scientists blush. He actually puts in effort to plan dates, we usually do romantic things like visit an amazing cave full of stalagmites and stalactites in the middle of nowhere. Americans are so direct that it might seem rude to you. The original black and white photo was taken by Dorothea Lange on May 20, 1942 and the original caption is: College students of Japanese ancestry who have been evacuated from Sacramento to the Assembly Center. Now I wonder how about Japanese education in English course. 5%). ” The ban on Japanese American enlistment wasn't reversed until 1944. Death of Yoshihiro Hattori. This is a really good example of why Americans have to be so careful of turning to Japan for "representation. Those who registered for the draft were listed as 4C or “unsuitable for service because of race or ancestry. We have similar results, even on the European side! (I’m also 25% Japanese but from Okinawa). And imagine this happens every day for YEARS. , is a tricky position to be in, when it comes to defining your own place in the world. Maybe you meant to word the question like this: “Why do some Japanese people hate Americans?”. A desire to maintain and nurture Japanese arts, such as judo, calligraphy, tea ceremony, wood-block printing, tie dye, etc. Turning it into anything else is an extreme I think they made more for Japan. There's lots of Japanese icons like samurai, ninja, etc. The Akira Kurosawa film Stray Dog is actually a very good window into this, as it provides some immediate post-war depictions of popular conceptions of Your greatest annoyance was probably fleas and being fed Japanese soldier standard rations (which were borderline starvation). It's gotta be good. I feel like Redditors often exaggerate problems in Japan and South Korea. Chinese culture is actually much more present in American society than you think. The American Accent in Japanese. ago. 3000 from the mainland and 1,500 from Hawaii. I used to think that the ethnic groups that make up the country were mainly white and black, but the number Hi! I am Korean American, but don’t really feel connected to my Korean heritage either. She was one of the last people to leave (Oct 1945) because she worked at the Japanese - in my experience they are more reliable than American cars and cost less to maintain than German ones. Japan buys Boeing, though these days they also buy from Europe and Brazil. Something I've always liked about Japan is it is both traditional and modern; it has advanced into the modern era while still maintaining its historical culture, for the Racism in Japan is pretty much gaijin and non-gaijin. Square Enix - Founded in 1975 Konami - Founded in 1969 Namco - Founded in 1955 Bandai - Founded in 1950 Sony - Founded on a sandwich, yes, in a sauce, no. 6m in Brazil (vs 1. Anyways today: I was walking the dogs and an older couple doing their morning walk heard me talking to my dogs in Japanese, they come greet me! They're just as surprised as me and we had a chat, they've rarely met japanese people since moving here. Soviet troops had already arrived in parts of Korea, disarming the Japanese, but the Americans wouldn't arrive until early September. Anyway, I'm just paraphrasing bits from here. You're Asian American after all, you're allowed to have roots in both Asian and American culture, and you shouldn't feel bad or ashamed about it. I love you too Japan. The good news is, Japanese is possibly the easiest language to learn to pronounce and be able to hide your accent. Shipping is the only issue. Growing up I pretty much completely identified with being American but not really because everyone would treat me different because of how I looked. Everyone assumed I was Japanese until they noticed the blank stare on my face. Brazilian is likely more prevalent here where I live (Nagoya) because of the large number of Brazilians working in Toyota factories. Yep. . If you didn't have any luck with the ladies where you came from, you won't have much here either. Agreed. The death rate for POWs was much higher, on the scale of something like 30% in Japan versus less than 5% anywhere else. Also, many forget that the Japanese ended up taking a bath on a lot of their 80s purchases. as noted below, as more asian americans identify with the pan asian label as a whole, they may still feel represented by asian exports that aren't necessarily from their country. in Hollywood. Just as a heads up, things have changed a bit in Narita. Aircraft. but rice consumption does hold up, rice is a common japanese staple meal Please do not call a random women with "chan" that is basically sexual harassment. For example, the boy names Micah and Noah are perfectly nice in English, however 舞花・まいか and 乃葵・のあ are both common names for girls in Japanese. I've had Chinese-American and Korean-American friends for my whole life. No subtlety. Japanese makes tend to hit that high note of affordable and last forever. Most people assume your japanese 90% of the time, and once they realize your language of choice, they'll just treat you like a tourist. Lots of J-pop groups have done openers for anime and frankly anime theme songs are often pretty legit good music. Dunno about the treaty ports, but maybe some of em would move there. The goal was to recruit 4,500 Japanese-Americans for the team. Hattori was on his way to a Halloween party and went to the wrong house by accident. It's one thing to poke fun at you for being a Twinkie/banana and another to actually judge you for how you were raised which you had no control over. Thats why so many americans try to live there. Chinese superstars like Jet Li and Jacky Chan have become mainstream American stars. 7% of the fast food per person compared to the average American over the course of their lives. But I’m aware that some of this is probably because of honne/tatemae. They DEFINITELY made more limited releases for Japan! There's simply more of them compared to the overall market for them in Japan. "Assembly centers" were makeshift concentration camps providing temporary housing for about 92,000 people of Japanese ancestry uprooted I sometimes think Japanese people are ignorant, but Americans are actually way worse despite living in such a diverse country. In general, old teacher tending to use British English while the young use American English. true. Kungfu movies are a staple of American films that trickle at least some Chinese culture to the mainstream. [deleted] Growing up I experienced racism as a Japanese American. We were at a party, and apparently they'd heard of westerners eating fruit skins, but I didn't know yet that this was a strange thing to them. I'd say that in the US, the Asian American identity is somewhat unifying and the conflicts between countries in the past don't carry over much. Supply is greater and there isn't as much demand, so prices are lower compared to the US. I know because I accidentally helped find its history. Also some brief reading about Japanese-Peruvians deported/imprisoned in the US during WWII and the culture shock that came along with it: The lesser known Japanese internment. Most Japanese Americans got jobs as part of economic expansion post WWII, in part due to a generally high level of education even before WWII. (Caution: does not apply to pizza or Mexican food. Yup. is a bit worrisome because of the divisive domestic conflicts. In general, Japanese people are the most polite of any country I’ve traveled to. From 2017-2021, I was living in Japan when suddenly my father and mother had a horrific accident back home. Your survival rate was far higher than most other American prisoners. The great escape is a good film outlining how American and British POWs were treated in internment camps. In addition to that honor Japan created an award in his name, the Deming Prize, which rewards those who achieve high quality in manufacturing. There’s actually kind of a circlejerk about how bad these countries are while everyone supposedly thinks they’re Weird dissonance between Asian American ethnicities in media and real life. GhostSpelledBackward. We have Asian, non-Asian, African, and Brazilian. And then maybe a random week off in the spring or summertime. Passport -- Legally you will have to give up one citizenship. Japanese food, plus a desire to reproduce certain other foods with great attention to authenticity, such as French bread in the good bakeries. It was their children's generation who pushed for reparations and awareness, not so much the ones who had experienced internment (of course there were Nisei who participated in the reparations movement, but the majority Americans have a deep rooted racism towards us Japanese, For example, in 1924 a survey was conducted on the sentiment towards the anti-japanese law. 4m in US) which is the largest Japanese population outside of Japan. I try not to think much of it, because when people ask, they are usually trying to be nice and discover more about Korean culture, but if I'm being honest, it does make After years of putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps, the US decided to form an all Japanese-American (with white officers) combat team as propaganda. In America we get maybe christmas and thanksgiving off. I'm Asian American and recently visited Japan for two weeks. Apartments are a good example. Kids made fun of my culture, the way I looked, and the food that was packed in my lunch. When you enter Japan, Japanese citizens are required to go through the digital kiosk so you get no stamp for re-entry. Yoshihiro Hattori (服部 剛丈, Hattori Yoshihiro, November 22, 1975 – October 17, 1992) was a Japanese exchange student residing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, at the time of his death. Akira is a very Japanese story that reflects on Japan's transition from the War into a new era with American influence, new economy, the psychological effects of the nuclear bombings, and their self-identity. ”. If you are turned away from most apartments the ones left are usually more expensive or less in quality. American terms would have undoubtedly included a Japanese withdrawal from China, and to do so following the sheer amount of sunk cost without receiving substantial concessions would have been unthinkable for the Army especially. A few years ago I went on a bender involving lots of booze, some blow, and some baccarat in an underground casino. The list goes on. As far as I know, American English and British English is mixed up in China now, like using UK words but with USA pronounciations. ) They rarely if ever spoke of camp to their children. Horrible racial discrimination for not just Japanese Americans, but any Asian people living in the US for generations or even centuries to come. 4. Japanese boys play baseball year round there (at least in Okinawa). For example the Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean food in Japan are very Japanized. The people tended to be less healthy after leaving the camps, they were twice as likely to have heart problems, which indicates some malnourishment. Japan doesn't see American schools as prestigious as China does. In twenty-fifty years this will hold true for Hondurans and Venezuelans. So I've been trying to find some other 4-5 Generation Japanese-Americans to discuss this with. But if she's American, then by Japanese law she is not and can not be Japanese. And as women approach and exceed 30, their desirability drops rather Basically, Japanese people trust the US. I found many shops had people that could speak fluent Mandarin, as there is a large amount of chinese tourists. Asmongold is primarily known for his World of Warcraft content. The soldiers who survived the war were often significantly ostracized from society, simultaneously being viewed as responsible for Japan's defeat and violentally disturbed and criminal persons. AMAA. The reason for the brutality is many-fold. Japanese Americans are among the most widely recognized of Asian American sub-groups during the 20th century. As a Korean-American, I've had a lot of people ask me if Korean culture is a rip-off of Japanese culture, or if the Korean language system is just Japanese and Chinese combined. I'm an American living in Japan, I spent three weeks in a Japanese jail cell. Cake flower! On February 19th, 1942, FDR signs Executive Order 9066, which grants the War Department the authority to "to prescribe military areas…from which any or all persons may be excluded" for reasons of military neccessity. 1. Japanese women are still expected to marry early (although many of them do finish college first), settle down, and have kids. American culture is direct, much more so than Japanese culture. I think the key is that the “replacement “ aren’t as much replacement people as replacement heritage of Americans. Buying a house is doable, but there are a few important issues: Visas. He couldn't give me the dates of the visit and he also said Japanese tourists were jumping on a destroyed house memorial. I also saw Tanaka play for the Rakutan Golden Eagles before he signed with the Yankees. shareberry. The gaijin group can further be broken down into a couple more categories. A lot of people want anime or manga goods. I am an early 30s American woman living in Japan. IAmA Japanese American who was imprisoned in the Internment Camp Tule Lake. In fact, I would argue that the vast majority of them like Americans. I think it has to do with Japan and other Asian cultures being very "foreign" to Americans, while at the same time they are "modern" so still have a level of relatability. These 2nd generation kids are now having children, and because they are American culturally, they are also choosing "American" names for their kids. its not sexual harassment and many japanese do that, its nuanced but still happens I do not sleep on the floor with a futon I have a normal bed You can still use your "foreign" credit card at any shop in Japan - they will accept a charge in the local currency (yen) and then will convert it (for a fee or slightly higher rate) and bill you in your currency (euro, dollar, etc). I've been thinking about how foreign accents give us native English speakers different impressions. Ebi Chili, Hot and Sour Soup, Wonton Ramen, etc. The first two are becoming more common in media now but if I was only exposed to American media A few Japanese friends commented that Americans in particular are always saying they love things, like "I LOVE sushi", "I LOVE dancing", and then also using it in romantic/serious situations, which was funny to them. The EO didn't mention Japanese-Americans as a particular target, but the Order was definitely drafted with that in mind. In real life the largest Asian ethnicity in the US is Chinese, this is largely the same in media but the 2nd-4th largest Asian groups are Indians, Filipinos and Vietnamese. Japanese, they're simply more reliable and sensible. Japanese war crimes were numerous compared to the western front. I also asked him to think. Hey now all mayonnaise is equally terrible. TIL there are more Japanese-Brazilians than Japanese-Americans. The Nisei especially pushed being all American on their Sansei children. 22. My father passed away and my mother was injured. So I think interest in anime leads to interest in J-pop and the like. She was 15 when she first went into camp and had just started her Junior year of high school. If you ask a question, the answer might be "no". This is good but it overlooks the situation in which the first organization to call for Japanese internment was the Grower-Shipper Vegetable Association in California, and that internment resulted in valuable Japanese-American owned farmland being auctioned off to white farmers for pennies on the dollar and never returned to the Japanese-American farmers after the war. Not all Japanese people hate Americans. In Japan they have golden week, the bon holidays in august, and then new years weeks off. Sushi, teriyaki, etc. It's just part of the language. You are by no means alone in this. The picture of the store with an I AM AN AMERICAN is part of a series done by Dorothea Lange, including one that became an iconic symbol of the internment. Some of these soldiers actually managed to con the Japanese into receiving diplomatic immunity and thus were able to return on the last boat to America. If something is your fault, someone might blame you directly. Along with the other civil rights advances of the 1960s Japanese-Americans finally became full citizens of the US legally (I won't address all the institutionalized racism that Most Japanese Americans adapted successfully, today Japanese Americans have on average more education and have a higher average income then white Americans. Anything else in Japan < anything in the US. Also, there are some names that sound fine in English, but might be odd in Japanese. That is how the Americans truly view us. Good things about dating a Japanese guy: He is super polite, considerate and respectful. If an american manufacturer could make an AWD hatchback with good reliability and gas mileage, I'd buy it in a second. I got a nice dose of old-people-racism over the holidays, and one that got me thinking was when my grandmother said regarding the internment of the Japanese-Americans, "If we hadn't done that, the Japs (sorry) would have faced a lot of retaliation and lynchings after Pearl Harbor" From what I've seen, this kind of "benevolent" racism pops up quite a bit in American The Japanese were objectively more brutal than the Americans or German/Italians during World War II. There’s no Japanese or Korean equivalent of the Rush Hour franchise. It can be hard to accept yourself when you don’t have a clear vision of who you want Americans: Why is Japanese culture so popular in the US? Most of us grew up with anime like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, etc. Japanese Americans tend to be more secular. But Japanese culture is two or three decades behind us when it comes to relationships, marriage, and feminism. If they were to call their sibling a title, it would be something more casual like oneechan or get rid of the “o” completely and say neechan, or “aneki” (more of a slang term for older sister, kinda has a rough/delinquent gang vibe tho). [deleted] •. We In 1952 Japanese-Americans were finally able to become fully naturalized citizens and by 1965 the extreme limitations on East Asian immigration was finally removed. Allow me to explain. We all play Nintendo & Playstation. While I'm sure there are many things that make Japanese go wtf, the one I personally did was eating fruit skins. But racism escalated in middle school when people continously did this in school throughout the hallways and classrooms. Even going a so far as to disarm soldiers who were second generation Japanese American, and later to disband their units. Italian culture in general has a bigger impact but I can't think of an Italian show or movie that has notable success in the US outside of old Spaghetti Then imagine the next day, on 9/12, the Sears Tower in Chicago is blown up, killing thousands of Americans, again by Chinese. Recent Chinese immigrants also tend to be more secular, so they usually keep their real Chinese names. Exploring Chinese culture and posting to this sub-Reddit are both important steps towards development of your identity and self acceptance. For example, almost every thread about Japan or South Korea, people will bring up birth rates, work culture, racism, etc. Also, the most popular K pop groups are boy bands. So I like my American Japanese cars. Japanese stereotypes include images of Americans as friendly, violent ABC here too. And people wonder why Japanese games are not in decline unlike Western games. You are on the right track. Food, aesthetics (Asian art), the passion for learning, close-knit families, being considerate, listening, also I love our facial features (eyes, skin, hair, lips). Second serious answer: A passport is not a magic aphrodisiac. In vulnerable situations discrimination brings out much uglier sides of humanity than just lack of social and emotional inclusion. You can potentially do the same leaving Japan, but now the Japanese agencies can't tell just by looking at your stamps on whether you have more than 1 passport. ADMIN MOD. Many Japanese-Americans preferred the camps to what they would experience back in society, not knowing what kind of reception they would receive. No mayonnaise is superior to mayonnaise. Lack of sophistication. Giving up your American citizenship, while making your tax life easier, IMHO would be a net loss. First is the popularity of anime. I go to school in California, which has a high Japanese-American population, and had a lot of internment during the war. I've also heard that they can pick out American tourists because they're wearing jeans and white sneakers, whereas European 57 votes, 11 comments. Japanese actually have it a lot better than many americans. relationship. Way, way better benefits and pay - they even pay salaried employees overtime at time and half, double time for holidays. Americans don't consume that much foreign media especially from outside the anglosphere and in recent times Japan and South Korea media scenes have been better at getting American's attention. As Americans are repeatedly told by Europeans, having Polish heritage or Irish heritage doesn’t make you Polish or Irish. 3%) than your paternal grandfather (25. That's the first time in 22 years I meet japanese people in the wild. Politics & Racism. Oh and of course the food. are some of our most popular foods. The base of Japanese diplomacy is the Japan-U. I agree with you, 100%. I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. It is entirely phonetic, and has the least specific sounds of any language I’ve heard of. Sometimes legal justice. 7%). Students don't see taking a break from their normal school to study in America as an effecient use of their time. That's the equivalent of An average American family of four, who eats out at fast food an average of 5 times per week (breakfast, lunch, and dinner combined) to the Japanese average of 3-5 times per month. japan has many popular cultural exports that are popular with young asian americans (manga, anime, etc). From a travel perspective, It seemed perfectly normal. It’s nice being different than to just fit the mold of the “stereotypical type of American. They don't "represent" anyone but themselves. This is the unsung legacy of the Bush administration: Anti-AIDS initiatives in Africa. At its peak in 1970, there were nearly 600,000 Japanese Americans, making it the largest sub-group, but historically the greatest period of immigration was generations past. So the Japanese-Americans, who were already They interned Japanese citizens had developed a sense of fear of the world outside their camps, as the hostility of the nation after the war was vocal and well accepted. " Japan doesn't represent you - Japan doesn't want you - Japan even rejects their own diaspora. •. Still the cheapest repairs for a vehicle over 10+ years old. Ironically it was an American, Edwards Deming who inspired the Toyota Production System and was awarded a medal by the Emperor in helping Japan rebuild after the war. Welcome to r/LearnJapanese, *the* hub on Reddit for learners of the Japanese Language. Then imagine 9/13, Yankee Stadium is blown up, killing thousands more Americans. I'm kidding. Reply reply. I’m not saying that Japanese people aren’t genuinely polite, but that the reason why I haven’t encountered any hostility for being American while in Japan is probably because of it. I went to Aomori, Asamushi, Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Tokyo. In the Eastern states it was 5%, in the middle states it was 50%, and in the southern states it was 50%, and in the Western states it was 80%. AMAA : r/IAmA. Worked for Honda here in America, can confirm. Some would emigrate to Japan to escape persecution, others would move to hawaii. 3%. Archived post. Japanese Americans are the pioneers that came to America 5-6 generations ago, having suffered systemic persecution at the hands of the US government during World War 2, had millions of dollars of property stripped from them, and through their (your) sacrifice, and laid the ground work for future immigration of Asian immigrants to this country. You can buy the house on a tourist visa waiver, but you can't open a bank account (which makes it hard to pay bills/property tax) or get a mortgage. Imo a strong American accent in Japanese is pure laziness unless you are an absolute beginner. I had older kids in the neighborhood say racial slurs and harass me. If you come to Japan with the right attitude, you'll generally be treated well as an American, although you'll experience the inevitable discrimination. Alternative step 1: Go on the internet and find older Tokyo-based Hanako willing to marry you and grant spousal visa. I saw Ichiro play right field for the Orix Blue Wave before he came to the US. Chinese students are also competitive, but American schools are largely seen as an upgrade compared to Chinese schools. Alcohol for sure, a lot of bourbon makers are actually owned by Japanese companies (Kirin owns Four Roses for example). Reminded me of the meme “I love me too!”. Japanese-American, here. The problem is goods availability. I don't know, they did make ice cream flavored mayo in Japan. This a joke. There's that sense of belonging that everyone is looking for, and although that desired destination is largely true of a very broad segment of the world, the journey to get there presents unique challenges for Asian Am . Then imagine 9/14, the Rockefeller Center is blown up and so on and so on. Theres nothing the japanese one does better than the american. Because of this, I had to leave Japan immediately (I literally left within 2 days - it was total chaos during the pandemic). You are also limited to 6 months per year in Japan on a tourist visa waiver, and you can't work on that visa (even remotely). id mu rp rh hg xb vs cg cz op