Avengers fanfiction peter anesthesia

he asked cautiously. Tony was all the kid had left. Comics Spider-Man. He grew up with HYDRA, trained and brainwashed to be even better then the Winter Soldier. . Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. , Iron Man/Tony S. He was about to loose his Aunt too. Mind Control By: rosesandribbons. He'd been feeling sick all day, and everyone had told him he should go home, but he was Spider-Man, he couldn't just take days off. "Mr. Feet assailed him from all around. Peter Parker is Steve Rogers's Biological Child. Peter's head pounded with each heartbeat, as he swung across rooftops. Peter dragged his feet as he made his way up the stairs, shoulders slumped, earbuds jammed firmly in his ears. After living with the Avengers and befriending Peter, Loki is introduced to April Fools and the whole team is in for a ride. Stark to come save him? And what will happen when Mr. Series Part 85 of We Forgot Peter James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers. Net. They don’t realize the “threat” they’re chasing after is just a broken teenager without anyone looking out for him. Explaining to May that they had, accidentally, regressed her 16-year-old nephew to a pint-sized toddler wasn't one of his proudest moments. Jul 22, 2019 · When Monday rolled around the Avengers came down to find a mini war had taken place in the kitchen, Tony was just in the middle of his rant when Peter crawled onto the ceiling, stood up and sprinted to the door. They're taking a break in the kitchen, with Peter playing with his blocks on the Fluffy Avengers. " He eventually found Dr. Peter gets shot and calls the wrong number. When he was done, he'd stoically and methodically store his gun back The shiver in his spine, shot down to his toes, making him clench his teeth, his whole body tensing, and Peter couldn't help but let out a small yelp, right before Bucky sneezed. Tony was in the lab working on the newest prototype for the company when the baby monitor relayed Peter's cries. Strange who happened to be with the rest of The Rouge Avengers and Guardians. At MJ's nod, he smirked. He'd sworn to himself that he'd never lose another kid, but keeping that promise might just cost him everything. Not So Wise After All By: OnlyEscape. "'Kay. Despite this, Peter remains determined to achieve his dream of becoming a hero. For someone so small she sure as hell packs a punch and knows a lot of colorful language in both English and Italian it seems. Peter Parker let tears slide down his beautifully pale face, as his boyfriend pulled out of him harshly. Peter gets fucked by all the Avengers. It is by pure miracle that Peter does not have aquaphobia. , Captain America/Steve R. Hands pushed him down. A collection of Peter Parker one-shots. Hope van Dyne was adding the final touches to the Quantum Tunnel with Scott Lang watching her when the two disappeared in a flash of light. Lost and Searching By: Smashingcrosses. Jun 27, 2024 · Protective Bucky Barnes. When Peter is invited to a party to rebuild the Avengers' relationships post-Accords, of course he's excited about the opportunity. 1. Dec 31, 2023 · Peter woke up slowly. The kid froze, eyes wide and scared. Title: Everyday Superhero. His heart was racing, with the continuous frights, and he tried to calm down, as Tony watched him warily. Peter started squirming a bit before letting out a gusty, quiet cry. Nat raised an eyebrow at the same time that Tony realized his mistake; Sam and Rhodey snickered in the background as Tony held his hands up in surrender and backed away toward the course. Maybe Peter will learn to be something May 5, 2018 · The voice crack in the word 'please' hurt Tony more then anything. "Peter's talked about you. Stark is threatened and it’s up to Peter to save them both? Series. " Ned bit his lip, not convinced. "Hey, kid. / Tony was just working in the lab when his phone goes off with the distinct ring to his private line. AN: This is slightly AU from Marvel Timeline. I will take requests. ”. For the first time in two years, captured through cameras and preserved for the rest of time, Spider-man didn't pull his punches. Wake up," he whispered. His eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness around him, but when they did, Peter had to swallow back a wave of nausea. Tony and Pepper were on the love seat, while Peter was stretched out across the sofa. " He said, standing up carefully, while petting his son's back, trying to soothe the crying child. "It's okay. 2. If it comes to saving you, or the kid, or the time stone. When the snap happened, Bruce and Hulk were severed in half and Hulk was killed. "Pete," Tony said exasperatedly, "Come on, bud, it's Tony. Avengers Edition. Stark was or will he need to wait for Mr. Okay, Here me out. "Sorry kid, I was sleeping," Tony said groggily. "Hey, kid," a voice called as Tony waltzed into the kitchen. Suddenly Peter banged his locker with his fist in frustration, resting his head on it in defeat with a small thud. Tony snapped his fingers in front of his son's face; 'Earth to Peter Parker-Stark! Meanwhile, the Avengers are trying to hunt him down for reasons completely unknown to Peter. Singing Spiders By: HalfIrishWriter99. " Peter shook his head and stood, stumbling away from the man that had become one of his closest friends. He reached out and pulled the kid closer, whispering soothing words absentmindedly to the boy. Tony chuckled as he watched his kid. Iron-dad fluff :3. There were red marks across his chin and cheek, where they'd hit the floor, and Tony clenched his hands into fists at the sight of them. The very first time was when both Uncle Thor and Aunt Jane were over, so Dad and Aunt Jane can build a bridge together. Peter Parker One-Shots By: Ariel Stark. " The boy still didn't wake up. Mr. "Come on, Stark," Peter heard Thor mutter. And Ben and May had been worried. Now Tony must figure out how to be a father to a little girl while Penny deals with her own trauma. The thought honestly hadn't even crossed my mind until then. December 5, 2002. Peter's class is going on a field trip to Stark IndustriesPeter doesn't want to go. Aug 22, 2021 · With a ding, the elevator opened to reveal an open-air building. During the battle, Hulk returned and they are still two separate entities. Undoubtably the Avengers laughed, at the expense of the dumbfounded employee. And people have just caught on. Tony loves going to cafes and restaurants. Summary : How the Avengers are spending their quarantine / lock down. After taking the subway home from school and walking the five blocks home, he felt about ready to drop. "It's ok Peter, whatever it is we will figure it out ok. May 20, 2016 · Reintroducing Hope By: Fernandidilly-yo. Peter's dads worry, and Peter is forced to tell them about his injuries from when he ran away. Movies Avengers. Tangled Wires By: alphafairy. smith. " Snorting at the literal joke, Peter held back a chuckle. He let out a soft whimper and tears rolled down his cheeks. "Karen, if he doesn't answer before its over, tell him I'm sorry. " Peter flinched when Loki's thin, pale, gentle hand brushed his bare shoulder. "It's okay," Peter sighed. Peter and Harley are walking home from the movies and get ambushed. Upon meeting up with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, whose back to life, they give him a new offer to join the rebuilding Avengers. Peter Parker. " "Ah," Peter gasped as the suit retracted, revealing his red and blue Spiderman suit beneath, and he raised a hand to his waist. Peter caught a hold of it, using one arm to wrap the huge gauntlet to his chest and the other to swing back to safety. He immediately went to the bar and poured himself a drink. " Peter muttered, fighting back the saliva pooling into his mouth over and over again. Oct 29, 2017 · Peter is at the Avengers base when a storm hits and his 'heightened senses' become more apparent. Feb 10, 2020 · In his nervousness and excitement of having his first movie night with the Avengers, Peter forgets to take his epilepsy medication. He shouldn't have just shrugged it off when something clearly went wrong. Mute, and living on the streets after his aunt has a heart attack, Peter isn't sure life could get much worse. "May called and said it's alright for you to spend the night. He sipped the cool beverage, tenderly and focused on the movie. All in the short space of fifteen years. He was Spiderman, he could flatten these guys in an instant. Tony chuckled quietly and leaned down to rub Peter's shoulder gently. "Shh, Shh, I know. He didn't calculate his strength. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,199 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 92 - Follows: 29 - Published: Feb 15, 2021 - Status Jun 16, 2019 · Peter Parker had just returned home from school and a bit of superheroing as Spider-Man. Peter shrugged. Peter Parker One-Shots Chapter 4: Allergy Mishap, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. Peter had started taking antidepressants almost two years ago. From the second Peter had stepped onto that school bus, something had felt wrong. Stark scoffed. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 9 - Words: 18,293 - Reviews: 5 - Favs Peter Parker is finally living an almost normal life. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,707 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 111 Dec 29, 2023 · Peter goes missing only to come back with a mission to destroy the Avengers. When Peter Parker is raped, Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers must rebuild him. He decides to pick up. There was no drought in his mind he was sick. , Loki, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,300 The life of a web-slinger and crime fighter: Spider-Man! Who just happens to also be, twelve year old Peter Parker! Watch this boy's life and struggles as Parker Luck catches up with him! Through lots of blood, and tears, and gasping breathes, Spider-Man emerges as the poster child and protector of Queens, New York! Movies Avengers. His webs was cut, yelping in surprise as he flung across the battle zone. He woke slowly the bright sun in his eyes as he stretched to his fullest before finally getting up. But it was Monday and he need to go to school, he had a math test today and he really didn't want to miss it so he was He brushed his hand against his waist as the memory of his boss's hand came back to his mind, and Peter placed the apple back on the counter, a sudden feeling of nausea ruining his appetite. God, his head hurt. That didn't help. Tony runs into Loki with his car and things get out of hand for him. Wolf Spider By: PeterNeedsAHugParker. But things are complicated when enemies, new and old, try to destroy the Avengers for good. When Dr. He did not have nightmares, Tony had asked, nor Feb 20, 2018 · Ross nodded to his team again, as they began to retreat, and Peter was grabbed and forced to his feet. Will Peter turn out to be half the inventor Mr. His instincts told him to fight back. Part 1 of MCU (specifically Peter Parker/Spider-Man/Penny Parker/Spider-Girl) x Shameless. Prank War By: Karmitara. He was going 100%. Peter Parker Has Abandonment Issues. one-shots that connect but can be read alone if Peter was Tony and Pepper's son. When the others approached him with a plan to save the world, he realized he couldn't stand losing Peter either. Peter is hurt during a battle with the Avengers. Prologue : Nick Fury had called for an emergency meeting at the Stark tower for all the Avengers and their allies. You gasp and start to choke on water "hello darling" she says looking at you Jan 6, 2020 · Natasha hadn't taken any of that and had dragged him down to see Peter, whom she had met previously in the training room, and since then had been helping him with his training. It had started with a sadness that had seemed to fold over him like a blanket, little by little, until he'd felt suffocated by it. He's lost all hope that he would ever be free, but maybe a bit of hope comes back when the Avengers are unknowingly sent to retrieve Peter. Bucky White-Wolf Sir, with his 'awesome metal arm' and from there it had just spiraled. This can be a problem when the same teen needs to have his wisdom teeth taken out. Steve Rogers. Tony enters last from his workshop grumbling about how it was unfair that he was being bossed around by "Midgardian Odin Wannabe" in his OWN The lady thanked him and patted his cheek, then bought him a churro despite Peter's kind and gentle protests. because peter parker is, in fact, peter parker, the heir to stark industries, he knows a lot of…influential people, and this gets him into a lot of trouble when he has to take calls in class. You dive down and when you come up you come face to face with a Natasha glaring at you. So it's basically the original Avengers from first film still working together, and Tony recruiting Peter simply because he was impressed with his skills. The series has now continued! With --- Life was Weird, to say the least. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 4,159 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 92 - Published: Jul 21, 2018 - id Sharing is Caring By: dana. Tony Lives. "I'm not going to hurt you. " It was MJ's turn to blink, though she followed it up with a glance in Peter and Ned's direction. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 16,855 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 102 Dec 21, 2023 · You see wanda coming to the pool you look at her and when she smiles at you you feel guilty. The teen was only too happy to help Mr. Part 4 of heir peter fics. The first sign that something was wrong happened when Peter woke up an hour early from his nap. Lets get you a bottle mommy has so kindly gave us before she left. peter’s calculus teacher has a policy where a student has to answer the phone on speaker in front of the whole class. "But you have to understand. However, Peter has a rebuke for them along with a wakeup call, not that they will probably get it. The Return. Until a seeming to be normal friend, Sam Wilson helps turn his life back around. Nothing had seemed fun anymore. Peter stumbled through the side door of his father's tower, stepping straight into the private elevator and leaned against the wall, gripping the railing in a white knuckled grip. "Say good-bye, Spider-Baby. , Pepper P. Peter Snaps By: Jst27. Stony a given. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship - Peter P. Looking back, Peter should have paid more attention. Tony held the boy close and cried, not knowing what else to do. Cafe AU. The policeman choked, hands scrabbling weakly at the scientist's hold. He desperately waits for his 18 birthday when he can finally have a life again. Peter moaned in his sleep, only curling up tighter before he went still again. It was a cold morning in New York City, Stark towers loomed over the city. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Crime In a Heartbeat By: irondork. Read the most popular avengers stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. The boy swallowed thickly as he felt pressure start to build in his stomach. " Peter suddenly rears back from Bucky, face and eyes red from crying and his chin quivering trying to hold everything in. Normal if Peter had seen them, he would have been pissed beyond belief, but currently, he was in too much pain to tell. Peter's best super power had always been his heart, and now there was something wrong with it. Rogers followed it, and spotted them. Strange saw him, he rushed over to make sure he was alright. Christine whispers from his right. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. He'd shoot with just his right hand, the other languidly stretching by his side and then, when he felt satisfied, switched to his left and repeated the same thing again and again until he got tired. You are not alone buddy. Part 1 of The Spider-Mom and her Spider-Son. Part three in my series The Soldier, the Genius, and the Spider. They have one mission: to track Spiderman down and bring him into SHIELD. Set just after Spider Man Homecoming. His fingers were too cold, they wouldn't work properly to get the window unlatched. Peter Parker enjoys singing when he gets ready in the morning, when he thinks he's alone, but what happens in front of a crowd? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. There was only one problem, he's quirkless. potter3. Its naptime. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, the fifteen year old boy who lost his parents at the young age of four and his Uncle at the age of thirteen. Peter is sick but is afraid of doctors and refuses to go. When Peter finds out the Parkers adopted him as a toddler, he begins searching for the family he never knew he had. "Hope you don't mind the change in plans, Happy has the day off and Tony got dragged into a Spider. The Avengers find an orphaned Peter Parker at an Oscorp Research Facility, and after they help each other escape, Tony decides it's probably a good idea to take him home and have him pretend to be his son in an undercover scheme to expose Norman's crimes. Work in progress, probably slow moving and almost definitely full of angst. - Words: 704 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 53 - Published: May 30, 2013 - Status: Complete As the Avengers take down base after base, they find the tiny, defenseless looking girl. Happy Peter Parker. "Welcome to the ground floor. When Penny Parker's mother dies, she is sent to live with the superhero father she's never met. "Hey, Peter!" Tony called, turning his back to Natasha when he felt it was safe. The whisper was garbled, and Peter watched as a few tears dripped down the god's nose and softly plopped on the red and gold armor. Even with the dimness, he could make out the faint features of two people he loved more than ever. Tony realising Peter is a dad By: SpideyParker0100. Tony stopped tickling Peter to hand the phone over. It was as if his spidey-sense finally relaxed, for the first time since he got his A swift punch to his gut made Peter double over and cough. Sick at a Party. Sequel to 'The darkest hour is just before the dawn'. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Iron Man/Tony S. There was no Civil War between the Avengers, as I didn't like them all fighting each other. Peter's five years old when he first starts hearing the name "Loki" around the house, usually when Uncle Thor was over, sometimes with Aunt Jane. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers. (Tom Holland/MCU Spider-Man. "You know her, kid?" Sam asked when he sat back down. The Avengers and the Amazing Spiderman crossover. Peter pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that Ned had sent him a message and also Michelle had sent him a message. Kidnapped By: Rosalie233. Starting with Iron man 1 and working further into the story. "Have a wonderful day, Ma'am!" Peter called after her with a happy grin. Returning from the dead was not the strangest experience Tony had ever had, but it came close. Friday (Marvel) Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. Peter Parker is a Mess. Peter's harsh reality for The Avengers By: Phillipe363. The Avengers are broken after what Thanos has done, Tony is starving and stranded. "Hold on kid," Tony said as he all but dropped his phone and rushed to Peter's side, moving to help him get to the bathroom. Aug 29, 2023 · Movies Avengers. , Hulk/Bruce B. Steve raised an eyebrow, "What happened?" Bucky silently started cleaning up the mess, Bruce helped him. Chapter 1. He jumped up from the bed, grabbed his clothes and sprinted to the bathroom. When Peter moved to help, the possessed scientist tugged the other man closer, putting him in a headlock that threatened to break his neck. It had been the look on Mr. "No, I'm fine. Starks face that had solidified my fate. They'd almost lost him. Tony really likes sharing Peter with the other members of the Avengers. Tony squeezed the Ambu bag, watching Peter's closed eyes and pale face as his chest rose and fell with each pump of air being forced through his mouth. As Aunt May asked him how his day was, the two disappeared in a flash of light. Homework had been next to impossible to focus on. Peter knew he was dangerously close to becoming hypothermic. Avengers Team Members (Marvel) & Original Female Character (s) Tony Stark. Just happy to hear another person's voice. Luckily, he has a (very caring) billionaire, who's willing to hire special people to do it Peter, You're Hurt By: GryffindorGyrl1997. First his suit malfunctioned. An icepick jammed through his temples. Peter covered his mouth and gagged, Tony's eyes widening as he realized that Peter was about to throw up. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel like a casual citizen in. " Why did Peter always feel like he was apologizing? "Sorry for what?" Tony's voice suddenly came through. Hands shoved in his hoodie pocket, he kept his head down, following the throng of students entering the front door to the school. Matters of the heart By: wolfypuppypiles. Stark. Tony stared at the kid, alarmed, before leaping into action. Chapter 13: Superhero. May 1, 2019 · The tears began welling in Peter's eyes again as he felt his last few specks of hope being blown away. But he couldn't before, so he can't now. Bio daughter. Stark!" Peter said with a quiet happiness. Now, if you look to the right, you'd see," Peter turned to where she was pointing, "the right side of PymTech. Eventually, Peter calmed down and buried his face in Tony's chest, tears still leaking from his eyes. Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child. "I will not hesitate to let either of you die. Also on AO3. When he woke up to a subtle and arguably ignorable fluttering in his stomach, Peter thought it had been simple excitement. "Guess I'll have to carry him," Tony sighed. "Hey kid," he called, closing the book and tucking it away. FebuWhump Day Fourteen: Sensory Overload. a collection of oneshots depicting the bond between spiders. Tony Stark is Bad at Feelings. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - [Iron Man Tony Stark is shoving an NDA in his face, Peter is apparently Spider-Man, and all Harrington can think about is the girl who died on his watch ten years ago. The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. His heroic, naive, innocent and adorable little spider kid. "What did they do?" "They rushed you in a chopper. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Peter is strong and attractive. Pepper Potts/Tony Stark. Protective Parent By: Leo of Nohr. About another 15 minutes into the movie, and Tony was out like a light. He shrugged. From a young age he knew what his calling in life was: to be the greatest hero in history. "Wh-" His voice croaks. " Peter's cute moments with the team By: Peter-is-a-bean. At some point, he'd picked up the gun again. Serious Injuries. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,241 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 16 Peter whispered to himself. So what happens when Peter comes back, only to save the world himself instead of Tony? Endgame-compliant until it's not. Oct 9, 2019 · One very upset scientist had been desperate for the toilet and was very disturbed when they found Mjolnir sitting on top of the toilet lid in the stall. or Peter Snaps. Pepper tutted and got up and placed a blanket over Peter's body. Apr 26, 2019 · Black Panther obliged quickly and threw at him. Irondad/spiderson Complete! Jul 16, 2021 · Cross-Posted on FanFiction. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Pretty typical Superfamily origins story. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. Peter never grew up with Ben and May. Sensory Overload By: rosesandribbons. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Sam Wilson (Marvel) James "Bucky" Barnes. That is, until the most notorious symbiote of them all shows up, ready to take on and over the world, Peter at his side and in his control. Spider-man let loose. Aug 14, 2017 · fevers, fears and falls By: wolfypuppypiles. Peter stared at him, his mouth gaping open. His eyes were full of tears, and they began to fall as he was dragged away. Tony and Peter struggle to settle in and navigate their new roles as father and son while an unforeseen threat looms on the horizon. Peter is Penny because Peter is a girl. Superfamily, established Stony. (taken from the story Spider and Snake) Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. A 16 year old Peter Stark-Rogers trudged out of bed, out of his room, and down the hall way. His head was heavy with a foggy feeling that could only hint at leftover drugs in his system. Harley and Peter are siblings and lots of Iron-dad! Peter and Harley brother fluff. Apr 23, 2019 · Smart Peter Parker. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,075 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 35 Peter gets in trouble at school and Tony comes to rescue. Avengers Family. + -. When they got back to the medical wing, Tony took him into a room that was identical to the one Peter was staying in. And now he couldn't get his window opened. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. Scott Lang who was presumed dead mysteriously escapes the quantum realm, igniting a plan to avenge the decimated and a final battle Navigating uncharted waters By: Starryknight09. Tony Stark Has A Heart. Only she is far from that. Fortunately, A white horse with wings caught him with a rider beside him. It's going to be okay. Wakanda. “You are actually the worst, Mr. Darkness encroached the edge of his vision and it took everything he had to keep his gaze Jan 29, 2022 · Avengers watch, Fandoms React to Canon/Fanfictions, MCU Epic exceptional Stories, The best fic that I keep come back to read it again, My appreciation for the author to serve the best characters and plot, Reacting to Canon, MCU Stuff, Characters Explores Fandom, Avengers Reaction Ⓐ, Reaction to…, Definitely my guilty pleasure, literally Apr 8, 2019 · By: ilovenifflers. Steve leant forward concerned. Sure, memories of past villains abound, and present villains are on the horizon, but he's fine for the most part. "But I am alone, May died, Bucky. There's a lot of piss involved. Sep 28, 2017 · Movies Avengers. Tony sighed, and laid a hand on the kid's soft head. As Peter and Tony climbed out of the car, Peter's phone began to buzz. Turning red, Candace hurried to correct herself. Language: Wrong Number By: PinkAvidReader. Natasha starts to search for the son she had lost when defecting from the Red Room. One minute he was lying on the battlefield, his chest on fire and his right arm completely numb, his breaths nothing but short, stuttering gasps. "Good evening, Peter. This is a bunch of oneshots and such of Peter Parker aka Spider-Man being cute, fluffy and lovey with his teammates and possibly other characters as well. " Peter blushed pink and whined, "Tony!" He snatched the phone away and finally decided to pull away, walking away to answer back. (oof) Part 1 of (woah) hey there spider boy. Inspired by a post by @thedanielhd on Instagram. Thor is struggling with selective mustism, and delved into his role as king of Asgard to deal with his grief, rather than shirk his duties. *Superfamily oneshot* Peter is being bullied at school, and Tony takes it upon himself to sort it out, despite no one knowing that Tony has an adopted son. His immune system has other ideas. Oneshot) Peter Parker's leg bounced up and down as he sat in a chair opposite Tony Stark. Strange looks around, gasping for air as he sees his hands supported up with needles holding it in place. "It's alright, child," the god murmured. Unlike Tony, who was reclined all the way back into the leather cushioning, Peter sat hunched over with his elbows rested against Jun 20, 2024 · When Peter Parker and Tony Stark both decide that his beat-up Prius makes for a good step stool, Percy should have known he would have to play hero once again. Chapter 1 "Peter!" Movies Avengers. Tony felt like throwing up. He introduced the two men inside as Captain America, who stood by a large window, and the Winter Soldier, who sat on the bed. Once again, Thor shocked Tony's armor. You frown sigh when you hear morgan laugh you look over and see her playing with wanda. Avengers Team & Peter Parker. " His senses still numb from anesthesia, or maybe from the accident and suddenness of it all. Each Avenger has to test him out before he can join, after all, the best team bonding is the type done while naked. Written for a tumblr prompt. Add in some mortal monster sightings, an anti-witchcraft group named after the giant Clytius, and a 200 year old demigod, Percy’s senior year was set to be far from normal Nov 25, 2021 · Peter Parker, nephew of the late Ben Parker, never, never ever, missed a shot. He looked so small in Tony's arms and it all just hit him at once. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 38 - Words: 27,514 - Reviews: 88 - Favs Jun 29, 2024 · Tony Stark tells him there's an entrance exam to join the Avengers and it starts with Peter getting naked with him and Steve. Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Thor are still reeling from the effects of what happened until an unexpected guest arrives at the doorstep. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 2,365 - Favs: 3 - Published: Dec 29, 2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14312194. Mar 7, 2020 · Bucky was still rocking Peter and whispering comforting words to him. Mainly Tony. Part 1 of Hero's Alloy; Language: English Words: 163,686 Chapters: 36/36 Comments: 901 Kudos: 1,138 Bookmarks: 276 Hits: 35,753 Tony blasted off into the air with Peter cradled in his arms, barely registering Rhodey diving under the water to salvage the other part of Peter's limb now that he could pull it through the hole to the other side. /Spider-Man, Iron Man/Tony S. If anything, nearly drowning, tangled in a parachute and having Iron Man save you should make sure Peter stayed out of bodies of water, but no, the boy was psychologically unharmed. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker. Now his abs are no longer safe. Now the doors to enter the compound wouldn't open. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 31 SMHC. At first, it was only sniffling and Tony thought the baby might settle down on his own. Peter split the churro with the woman, who smiled and waved to him as she left. Because of Peter's remarkably fast metabolism, he would burn through the normal amount of anesthesia in seconds. Mask By: hailingstars. Peter Parker is being abused by a parental figure (OC) and tries to keep this secret as he interns at Stark tower. A fight breaks out and Harley saves Peter, but gets stabbed in the process. Peter's day starts out rough, soon leading him to sensory overload. Jan 31, 2020 · Peter and Tony arrived back at the avengers building at around about 6:30pm and Peter's party was starting at 7:30pm. They both stared at Peter with a curiosity he didn't care for. Peter could not believe his luck tonight. Each chapter brings a new guest into their bedroom! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Black Widow/Natasha R. This poem repeated in Peter Parker's mind ever since he learned what a hero was. OOO. ju im qy ot dm mx vw fr yy ks