Should i follow my ex on instagram after 4 years reddit

Pale-Respond-7450. Ex from 4 years ago wants to be friends. Jul 26, 2013 · Rebecca Romijn (@RebeccaARomijn) July 17, 2013 Obviously she is as excited for the Jesse and the Rippers reunion as we are. It's been a year and you deserve better. you're ALOT better off without them. Now he keeps creating fake accounts on social media. And it looks like he started liking their posts when we were together. She’s not married. I didn’t want to, I loved him to death. #4 Stop stalking your ex. Apparently you can still leave voice mails when you’re blocked. I have totally moved on. If he has more than 20 followers, go for it. So I just stopped talking to her. adefsleep. However, read up on any of the experts on breakups, they nearly all recommend unfollowing your ex. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. My ex follows my entire family. Pretty pathetic honestly. Before that, we were in a good relationship and his older sister was pretty nice to me. He still to this day calls from no caller ID numbers at odd hours every once in awhile. My bf of 2 years broke up with me 3 weeks ago. My advice. And she didn't look at my stories after than for a couple days but then she did again. No way jose. He was under a lot of stress and was fearful for his future and in the heat of the moment during a fight, he ended it. Since we have a very long history, I had a lot of difficulty letting go. This idea that ‘men will sexualize’ her shouldn’t have an effect on your relationship because if you trusted her, other mens thoughts won’t matter. But I just don’t care, and that feels good. Go to ExNoContact. He deleted me off every social media and my numbers so I followed suit once I started to notice. Then either hang and get that or move on with your mind fantasies. I keep track of all of them. So I really respected her decision to leave me after almost 2 years. After a day i just unblocked him because it was pretty inmature from my side, and after a week when my mind was out of anger i sent him a nice message expressing my feelings Then i went private > public and he started to do this. We broke up almost 4 years ago and I had to get a restraining order after we broke up due to excessive stalking via fake numbers, emails, newly created socials because he is blocked on everything. Should I just follow him and see if he wants to give it one more try? I do feel like he still likes me. My 2 cents. But it’s just false hope. Dated him for 4 years, he was my first love and broke my heart countless times. “You have to look before our session next week. I broke up with him because of my own happiness in and out of the relationship and needed to be alone and view the relationship from the outside. It's better to be alone than in bad relationship. After meeting my wife, I stopped thinking of my ex almost entirely. Every break up teaches us something, but we only learn It's been a year we broke up. Like I didn't break nocontact I was doing my own thing and not even posting to gain her attention. To successfully get your ex back, you can't just immediately go back to the relationship, that isn't how that works. My guess would be the new bf asked her to block you. That was nearly a year and a half ago. You're going to refollow those girls and you two need to stop worrying about this bullcrap. Bless them. If either of you doesn't like it, the person who doesn't like it can leave. 3 years is a long time and I don't doubt she's moved on. This wont stop them from watching sometimes. My ex keeps creating fake accounts and stalking me online. but the last year of our relationship was horrible, we were constantly fighting, in power struggle with one another, always bickering to yes bro there’s no point in following people you don’t want to see anymore. Should I follow my ex on Instagram Girlfriend following ex on Instagram. It's been about two years since we broke up, and I've moved on, but I still have a soft spot for her. I texted my ex after 5 months of no contact. -3. We were both very serious, talked about marriage, having a family, etc. Or she is plenty mind games. Fast forward to 2020 where I enter the Meeting up with my ex after 4 years of being apart, almost 4 years without contact. I don't have social media or whatever, so I'm never in this position. Omg i did the same to my ex, he begged for me back, and we got back together and he left me two years after and then i was the one crying and begging for him to come back 😃. But I guess we all heal and come to terms on our own timeline. Anyone who does this without maintaining you as a friend by proxy, is either really insecure, narcissistic or has a lot of growing up to do. • 2 yr. I dont seem to find anyone attractive or interesting despite my best attempts. he did come back unexpectedly even after being adamant, but then he dumped me again a year later. If she says she has a boyfriend just say, that’s ok he’s not invited - are you down? And respect her answer. My (29M) girlfriend (25F) thinks I’m not over my ex because of social media. My ex followed me on Instagram after 3 months of no contact. 2. Go dark, deactivate or delete your social media. Best just let it go. So, to sum it all up the reasons are - you are no longer together, talking, she has moved on, AND she wanted to. During my time… Meeting ex after 3 years. Mar 4, 2021 · It was in a session with my therapist, when she asked me about my first relationship, that I confessed I had no idea what my ex was up to because I had completely cut him out of my life four years ago. At the time I was still in High School and was currently dating someone. I just want to know what you guys think. My ex and I were in a long-distance relationship for four years until she initiated the breakup. I said yes as I generally say yes to everything and also because I was curious to know how he's doing in general. Yes I know it’s bad to still check up on him, but I can’t help to do it once in a while. My ex unfollowed me on Instagram today. It depends on how you feel about it. Hi y’all. The only reasons she’d do this are 1) it’s too painful for her to look at what I’m doing or 2) she’s trying to get a reaction out of me. When my ex was having trouble dating, I noticed he followed one of his old ex’s — and he HATED her. My ex of almost a year broke up with me and I still miss her. ”. I was hurt so I had to unfollow him on insta. Hi r/relationship_advice I'm a 28 male and i still miss my ex. Whatever you do, do not stalk your ex. I'm fairly introverted and have developed trust issues due to the relationship so i don't want her back, but i can't seem to shrug off the constant ADMIN MOD. She’s in a relationship so I’ve muted her on everything but she just started following me out of the blue. What saved me was meeting a wonderful woman who is now my wife. I realized my ex was still on my friend's list in Huge red flag. IndigoTrailsToo. I caved and checked his Instagram (I know I shouldn't have) and he is following 15 new people. Hi guys! This might go deeper than expected but I will try to make it as short as possible. She thought avoiding my ex completely was Maybe, but maybe not. If I hadn't fallen in love with my wife, it would have taken longer. So here’s some scenarios, 1. Some of my most formative years were spent with her, and I use Instagram as a memory bank If the motivation is loneliness and you already know you don't want to get back with her, don't message her. I broke up with him after realizing that I was not sydestar1. If I was I'd unfollow or unfriend them immediately. All of them are instagram or sports models. Any scenario should tell you what you need to know though. And according to my girlfriend: “I have no desire to.     TOPICS. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. me (26nb) and my ex (25nb) were together (and nonmonogamous) for about 2 years, we broke up 2 years ago, stopped talking a year ago, and had some contact 6 months ago that did not go well and resulted in them unfollowing me and removing me from their followers on instagram. We all need to heal after a breakup and honesty it’s respectable to do what’s best for yourself; as long as it’s not in a vindictive way. Romijn and Stamos divorced in 2005, and she has since had twin daughters Ex requested to follow me on Instagram. She wants to see if you would do anything like talk to her again. We unfollowed each other right after the breakup, but they followed me earlier (my profile is public). I was in this relationship with for about 3 years (2013-16). No way. I gringe. Eventually I deleted his number. Should I block her ? Well if it still bothers you in a week then block her. Just my opinion. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He had already blocked me on Facebook since the breakup. So after 3 years we broke up because she didnt feel in love anymore. 5 years of a healthy relationship. Men have hit on me in front of my boyfriend, and vise versa. I've been pondering over whether you should follow your ex back on Instagram after they've started following you, and here's a nuanced take: Understanding Their Intentions: Your ex might have followed you for various reasons – missing you, still harboring feelings, or just plain curiosity about your life post-breakup. 1. stick to your guns and don’t accept it. I don't follow her back. When my boyfriend and I had a brief breakup period of about 2 months, he blocked me on Instagram. Reply. I caught her checking my Instagram story several times over the years. I do understand that you block the other person when they seem to be happy without you and you really can't stop looking at them. My ex and I just broke up a few days ago and I unfollowed her on every platform. I haven't talked to my crush much in years, and I randomly followed her on Instagram recently. You've written it on her man and that's great. I had my ex's pictures up on social media after we broke up, but since I started dating someone new, first I put it on hiding then just deleted it out of respect for them. i will say it's best to block or remove them from Tell her she’s pretty and ask. Well 2 months ago, I receive a follow from her on Instagram. I got over her after three months. It means nothing. The breakup was rather awkward and complicated. BarkingCat13. My first ex said he wouldn’t be able to even consider a type of friendship post breakup. 6. Ive been getting much better over the past 2 months, with no contact, and ive gotten a promotion and The fact that you haven’t had any conversation with substance, and that the latest news you know about her started off with “I heard that” and not “she’s told me she’s” should already give you an answer. r/ExNoContact. Your teacher has a lot of power over you, so I hope you can see that this is for the best. " I told him to fuck off and never contact me again and he acted so shocked/offended. I don’t think you want to see your ex either being or pretending to be happy because that’s just going to put thoughts in your head. Just go dark, stay off the social media grid for a while. While I really wanted to stop stalking my ex-girlfriend I just saw that my ex just unblocked me from instagram after 2. We’ve had zero contact since. Long story short is I (M18) confessed my feelings to a girl that is younger than me (F16) and got rejected, then I took it personal and she didn’t like that, she was really disappointed in me and eventually she has stopped talking to me for exactly a month already, during which she has unfriended me on Snapchat, removed and unfollowed me on Instagram, but before that I had reached out and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We broke up because she cheated on me. Lol. I've been doing better since. She constantly watched my ig stories within minutes of posting, but never actually msgd me or even “liked” posts I made after the breakup. ago. Then 3 hours later, I get a notification from Igtracker showing my ex unfollowed me. He used to call me and leave voice mails. Nope. 4 Years ago I met this girl who was new to our town. Always delete from public view but you can keep them on a folder in your computer somewhere. “Oh,” she said, looking alarmed. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Stop checking things because obviously your looking for signs. When I read the rest of the post, the answer is still no. Do you have any idea why? Not exactly the same situation that you’re asking about, but my ex and I have known each other for 17 years now, and dated for 7 of those years. She popped up on my people you might know and I was pretty shocked. My(19f) boyfriend(21m) have been officially together for just over 6 months now. Probably falling out with the other person and wants to secure you as a plan B. I waited a while to actually block my ex. Its not a schedule but I would say it averages out every month or so. I don’t know why she followed me, especially since I’m more than Yes my NPD ex still “covertly” checks on me. Students have a lot of power when it comes to teachers, too. We have been broken up for 4 years but are still pretty much best friends. If you have a public profile, they have already observed how happy you are without them in your life. A few days ago, I got a notification saying "Ex has added you on Snapchat. It’s extremely creepy after so long to want to contact an ex without actively seeking it out deliberately. Shoot your shot bro. "We are shown people looking like they are having a great time in their lives, and it can be triggering for some people to be immersed in their ex's life following a breakup Did you unfollow your ex’s family/friends on instagram after breakup? : r/ExNoContact. You just see it as weird cause you're on the receiving end. My ex broke up with me 3 months ago due to compatibility issues and some arguments we were having over boundaries with past sexual/romantic partners. She did look at my story posts during that time. ADMIN. Didn’t even want to know what I’m up to or see any… It could me anything. It was just my stories that she hovered around. If you’re going thru heartbreak just use this time to heal, learn and grow. I take screenshots. It is very hard but unfortunately this person wants to move on so let them. Yes, it is weird. There really isn’t any romantic longing anymore but that sense of always caring for the other person for sure has remained. She wants to see what you’re doing to the point she follows you 2. He ditched you and was inconsiderate. [new] Hi, I broke up with my (28f) ex (27m) back in 2017 after almost 6 years of being together. It’s a two way street. Doesn’t view anything still though. so, let me say how our relationship (if it even was a relationship we dated for 3 months) ended. It's best not to send it because you'll make yourself worse, you'll be expecting a response or hoping for a different outcome. People do this all the time after a breakup. If you don’t trust her to allow her to follow guys or have guys follow her on Instagram, you don’t trust her at all, point blank. I still have group pictures with my ex on social media because we have mutual friends. I look at it, and leave it. And they follow back. Same reason my family still has her on social media. Damn I needed this advice 3 months ago. Should I follow my ex on Instagram after 4 years? “It’s important to recognize that even if a breakup is amicable, it may not be the best idea to continue following each other on social media,” advises a relationship expert in an interview with Elite Daily. But I ain't gonna accept it. Now, years later, her memory evokes nothing in me other than some embarrassment at how I reacted to the breakup. Award. On the contrary I did not even reach out to her. It’s not as if you’re both attending a High School/College (Uni) Reunion or you both accidentally stumbled upon each other at a shopping centre or restaurant. • 6 yr. If you're a girl, you REALLY don't have to worry that much about stalker vibes. So the case is the following. My ex from 4 years ago reached out after 4 years of no contact saying she hopes I’m doing well and wants to be friends again. My ex follows me on LinkedIn & Instagram and added me years after we broke up which was super random. But now after four years, she requested to follow me again. i have been asking everyone for their opinion but i really don’t know what to feel. • 3 yr. personally it makes me feel very insecure, uncomfortable and disturbed that she follows them all and they follow her. Having pics up of your ex will look like you are not ready to move on. Should I follow back? I'm leaning more toward no, since seeing their posts would probably make me sad, but the breakup was on pretty good terms and I don't want it to seem like I have hard feelings toward them. Move on, you shouldn't look back. It’s simply not healthy to have then on social media even as a memory when you need to disconnect, heal and move on. she tells me that she doesnt have feelings for any of them and they dont have feelings for her. If you’re clicking on her profile when something comes up, and that happens to be ~1/month, then that seems normal to me. ADMIN MOD. They are not willing to let you forget them. Personally, I dont understand why make a second account to follow the same people where the situation is not at it's best, unless you have intentions of stalking in mind. She does it because she thinks she’s over you and wants to start somewhere to friendship 3. Tell her that you two are going to act your age and follow whoever you want on Instagram and like whatever they want. I’m here and she just took my happiness with her. my ex broke up with me, about 3 months ago. I’ve started cooking again, drinking 1 day a week, smoking less, trying to find a better job and I just feel empty. Fuck her. Share. It sounds like you are the only and you think that your ex will fix that. Some advice would be greatly appreciated, as it's having…. My ex watches everyone of my stories. I'm a little shocked since I didn't even know he was into that. I unfollowed him first so he probably thinks I hate him It's been 6-8 months that I haven't talked to my ex. I want to follow him just so I can know if I should just let him go completely or we both have a chance together. I blocked my ex when he dumped me, he is like you, just follow people and no activity. Dont allow him to add you and block him indefinitely. Depends on the circumstances of the break up, and how my mood is after a few weeks. So my (25F) ex boy friend (27M) messaged me yesterday to ask if I was comfortable meeting up. But if they've unfollowed you on social media, it might be good to take a break from stalking them on social media. If it's been 2 years man then it's best to leave it. Please unfollow your ex on social media. 9 months later, that's enough time for a woman to have a child. I still follow the brothers and sister of my ex bf from high school on Instagram only because I dated him for almost 4 years and became really good friends with his brother and sister. That's all you guys need to do. I do want to make things right. It's been rocky trying to recover but I've been following the breakup recovery guides to a T- got a fresh new haircut, got some new clothes to improve my look, been meeting new I broke up with my Ex 2 and a half years ago. 5 months of breakup and 1. 5 months of NC and we don’t even follow each other. Answer: nothing. when i saw my ex posted a new girl on his Instagram i just disappeared. There are much better people in the world who will treat you how you want to be treated. My second ex we still follow each other and talk regularly and hangout. I know that when I requested to follow the Ex and she accepted,all it did was put me in a constant comparison loop,not only did I feel like shit in all category’s of my life,compared to her,but I also started creating scenarios and spiraling over every little thing,like I don’t think it’s immature to unfollow an ex. Background: Got broken up with 3 months ago, went basically NC, not 100% but 90%. When you and your ex go through a breakup, it's natural to be curious about what they're up to. Because now you’re thinking about it. . He stopped calling me from private numbers. Recently I noticed how many insta models and OF girls and the like that he followed and I told him that it made me uncomfortable. I recently reconnected with my ex girlfriend. Go see somebody for depression, work on yourself and along the way you'll find someone normal who will actually apriciate you. As he got into another relationship he started showing it off on Instagram. If you have intentions of getting your ex back then that is one thing but if not then move forwarded and delete them from your life. We can't just pretend the past never happened, and I am the man I am because of my past marriage. After breakup he tried initiating convos on WhatsApp but I ignored him. You must. On the one hand you are closing a chapter in your life and when you meet someone new you want to do so with open arms. It’ll be hard, but once you reach a week without it, you’ll find that it gets easier. I checked my Ex's Instagram after No contact for two months, bad decision. I recently reinstalled a phone game my ex and I use to play. And to this day, he still searches my name and watches all of my stories. She has my number. Why would she reach out to me if she’s So, a few days ago while I was at work, I got an Instagram notification that someone had followed me, and once I reread who it was a second time (I was honestly in disbelief a bit and got more worried than I already have been), I realized it was my ex’s new girlfriend. My ex dumped me about 4 months ago after nearly 3 years together and I unfollowed and removed him as a follower on all socials within a week of the break up. I don’t follow him back but I do get curious occasionally to what he’s up to but he never posts. one time one of the r/ExNoContact. Noted won't do it. And i cant even think of words good. Oh, but she "wanted to be friends". and it feels fucking good. Even if he's with someone else, it can be addictive to check on an ex's social media or want to message them. Easier said than done and for sure it’s really tough to do. If not, go for it. For a long while my ex has not really occupied So my ex sent a follow request on IG. This is for students' protection. • 1 yr. . Now I have moved on not completely but still in a good place. She unblocked me on instagram. This girl wasn't a typical normal girl but in fact the most interesting person I had ever met. It’s been 5 months of no contact and I (23F) finally reached out to him (23M). 5 years and we broke it off before we went to different colleges. If you’re checking it religiously or on some sort of schedule, that’s probably in the “problem” territory. This is annoying them a lot, and that’s why they have started following you. Why would it take a whole year to regret leaving someone if you actually loved them. Almost 3 weeks since she dumped me and I’m starting to move on and feel like myself my ex (we broke up a year and three months ago) requested to follow me on instagram almost 3 weeks ago. Reply reply. I hope you are doing better now. He reached out to me over two years after leaving me and getting engaged 3 months later (surprise - they didn't work out) He didn't even apologize, just wanted to "check up on me. So my girlfriend has this one ex she never really got over. After that they saw each other one more time and have never been in contact afterwards. lots of guys who she has done things with still see her and she still sees them, when they both post themselve. Now I know I shouldn't care and I should continue moving on and living my life but this shit hurts man. Hell, I still have pictures of my ex-wife up on Facebook. When I just read the title, my answer was no. My Ex started following models on Instagram right after the breakup. The thing that irks me a bit about it is that he doesn't follow her, nor as he have a single one od her photoa liked on Instagram. Well the thing is I did not post anything on my social media. I was/am under the impression we won't speak again, so I'm not sure why My parents found me a therapist and a psychiatrist. I just found out that my ex blocked my Instagram account yesterday, after 3. I was hesitant but I accepted and now we follow each other on instagram but she has a boyfriend which she’s had for 4 years. Background: ex and I broke up around 4 years ago after dating for three years, going to college together, and living together. You don't cheat and lie and expect to be friends with me. We were together for 13 years and split almost three years ago. He would complain about her to me constantly, especially in the beginning. 5. “Taking some time apart to grow individually is perfectly acceptable. I did pretty much the exact same thing. move onto the next stage of your life. Then years later I was finally over it and unblocked. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. I held off on re-following her back for about a week and just resumed as normal. It was almost like she was out of a movie and how her presence made my heart beat a mile a minute. It's been two weeks. Read this and learn from my experience. At first we chatted for a bit, but I cut off… you're creating an unhealthy habit. Seriously. Especially because I started following advice from ex back coaches, and did no contact. I decided to message her and tell her the truth as to how I’ve been doing. Cutting to the topic, I haven't talked to my ex in 6 months (the last convo involved a toxic argument). " I was confused as to why this happened after so long of us not talking to each other. Probably to stop himself checking your socials or getting hung up on you. Still thinking about Ex after 4 years. Within a few weeks usually. •. true. TakeCareBear. I then sent her a follow request and as of 5 days she hasn't accepted. Just because we're moving onto the next stage of our lives doesn't mean that we don't want to see them anymore. She dated her (gf is bi) between 2001 and 2005. I dated this guy in high school for 2. Teachers are not allowed to contact students through social media. But I honestly loved that he added me so many years after we broke up. His feelings are not your business. Let your ex handle the breakup however he wants to. However, she followed me on Instagram a It's been a year we broke up. I’ve blocked over 20 of his Your ex follows you on Instagram now just because they want to arrest your attention. 3 weeks after she left me she started dating a guy she met on tinder, but continued watching my stories. She can get in touch if she wanted. i deactivated my acount and came back when i was doing something else with my life to shift my focus (moved to a new city and started a new job) and then i came back and unfollowed him. No, please don't do this after 2 years of nc. Although she contacted me a few times in the past, there has been no direct contact for the last 16 months. It's easy to get caught up in wondering what your ex is up to and what they're doing with their life, but it Sometimes, when we meet someone we used to love, they aren't the same person and eventually we tend to pedestalize this person in our head. So right now i am shaking with saddness. You should already have unfriended on all apps already. He blocked me on nearly all communication and social media platforms out of anger. We haven’t spoken since mid to late 2020. I feel like it would be less weird if it were mutual. I’ve gotten back into lifting, lost 15lbs so far. Is it okay to send him follow request on Instagram? Also he recently completed one year with… After the second breakup, we unfriended each other on all social media and have had zero contact. the ex seems confused. Instead of her liking all of his pictures despite him seemingly not wanting anything to do with her. I may be trying to self sabotage, i'm not sure. This gave me too much hope that she would return. : r/ExNoContact. This is a small update of my last post. It would probably be you doing her a service if you declined the request. Then I found out he had deactivated his main Facebook today. I found it a bit triggering. Who knows, It may even cause him to desire to reconcile when he sees that you’re moving on. If you're looking for a sign to stop you, let this be it. op xl xz xh fg lp ni nt to ka