Why would my ex add me on facebook reddit

It doesn't matter if it was a bad or good relationship, if it's over it's over. She’d only be in touch because she wants something. If they dont reach out - you got my point. He had cheated in some of his past relationships but I thought he changed since he would tell me in disgust how he got cheated on (Girl 3) and how he hated his guy best friend’s ex for cheating on him (guy bestie) Just found out why my ex dumped me, and it feels so good. Maybe she’s over the relationship and has no hard feelings towards you. Because if the breakup happened a while ago and especially if they have been the one to end things, then chances are After the breakup she wanted me to hate her and she treated me horribly. If you want nothing to do with her then delete it and forget it. The photos belong to him. Two houses, a dog, graduated together, got engaged during COVID and were a little over a year from getting married. Took me a while to realize it but once I did, it put my ENTIRE heartbreak into perspective. 5 years broke up with me 3 weeks ago. His sister was my best friend for 2+ years (7-8 months before even meeting him) but Yes, it's my face. He or she wants to know what is new with you. 3. It may not make sense at all but it is ok that you don't have to understand him. You're their backup plan in the event their options don't work that well. OP • 4 yr. It’s a terribly selfish thing to do to someone, because you always think it was something you did wrong, but take comfort in knowing, it wasn’t your fault. Yeah she wants to keep you around as a back up. Even if he's with someone else, it can be addictive to check on an ex's social media or want to message them. My ex didn't block me either, and turns out, it was their way of keeping things civil. That is if you’re interested. One way to find out. I always see that he's unblocked me after I post anything, too, which is really odd. Same as #3, but their partner is the jealous type, so they have to do it to please them. I tried to reconnect a few times after but she just didn't reply ever. I did block him for a little when taking space. Why does my ex (M22) still want to sleep with me (F22), but doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me? He told me that he is obsessed to me but can't commit to a relationship. No good partner would make you do any of those things. 7. So my ex blocked me on everything and didn't want any contact after we split. If there is then unfriending and blocking is definitely the way to go. My ex unfollowed me on Instagram today. I don't know how Instagram works. They seek validation and boosting their ego knowing they'll always have you wrapped around their fingers. But it’s funny, and I shit you not, the second she blocked me there was an 3. Regardless of the reason, it's important to remember that My ex sorta did the same thing, but not after 2 years, mine did it after about 3 months, to which my response was just to Block her for my own good, not to look at her profile, and then she unblocked me on fb the day after that, let it sit for a few weeks and then i hit her up asking if she wanted something, and then i Got blocked again, so idk. You should not care if they miss you or not. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. I am also the one that dumped him because of this, so at least I get the feeling of like I won somehow. As for handling a breakup, which you are, my best advice is to let yourself be a little bit. Probably just for posts that he knows random family members would find offensive or not their business but friends/people his age wouldn't be phased by. They are dating or have a new partner, and they don't want to send mixed signals. My ex did the same, told me it’s how she copes. You sacrificed friends, family, opportunities in life and work, and your mental health to make them happy. My (M, 22) ex (F,22) reached out after breaking up with me 2 months ago and asked me if I wanted to catch up sometime. We’ve been broken up since March and he messaged me in April saying he misses me but thought he would hurt me by coming back and talking to me. Why does your ex want to be friends? Encouragement. That’s up to you if you want to start the conversation. It could be that he genuinely wants to be friends and doesn't understand the pain that he's caused you. Your purpose now is to get yourself together and think only for yourself. My ex had applied to a study abroad type program while we were together and I kind of figured our breakup had to do with that. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. It started as just mostly as just sleeping with each other, but…. Elireacher. Or she knows you’re a backup. My new boyfriend doesn’t want me to focus on this, and seems to feel a little offended I’m getting so emotional, like I’m hung up over my ex. She even called me one night at 2 am after 2 weeks of NC from a no caller ID and when I asked her about it a month later she said she was glad when the Many suggested that my ex is breadcrumbing at me and that I should block him and call him out for that. I didn't accept nor declined, I just left it there, pending. I told her before (which she got irritated again) but she was As for why he still wants to talk to you, it's hard to say for sure. Allow yourself to be hurt, to be sad, to be furious, to be fucking crazy. But he remained calm and said that okay if that's what you want then he will never message me ever. I was blocked by another ex in the past and found out a similar way- usually people were mentioning him in their statuses and his name would be in grey and not blue. That being said way back a decade ago I probably unblocked my ex because I wanted to get at it again. Do you want to be with her after she cheated on you? That’s dishonest and disloyal. Unfollow her. If she tries to drag you into argument, just block her. i was her only source of support and comfort during her hard times. 32. [deleted] • 4 yr. The last breakup was over a year ago, where she left me for her friend's brother. My Ex would cry to me all the time and open up and would be kind of clingy and always want to do things with me but when we broke up she accused me all the things she would do and would paint me as some clingy cry baby that thought she was a goddess and like i was incredibly privaliged to even be in her presence. His Instagram was private and then a day later he made it unprivate. Yes I know it’s bad to still check up on him, but I can’t help to do it once in a while. Either way, you said the relationship was toxic so try your best to move on, otherwise, you will only be hurting yourself. I don’t have the urge to go on social media. We broke up 6 years ago. So many people have an ex they ‘randomly’ hear from out of the blue, typically via email or text. It's not weird behavior at all. Then after 2 years of silence tries to come back into my life like nothing happened and starts suddenly hitting me up via text. In the fact that he never got that hold over me in the end. I showed up at her house with flowers and a letter and she said no. There has never been a NC sustained for more than 6 weeks. I myself am guilty of looking up ex's, but obviously I know my own motives for doing so, and it's strictly that I'm being nosy. You sure you met your love of your life on this site Looks like a scam site. At first I thought he was deleting his instagram but I realized he might just be blocking me and unblocking me. She broke my heart and Months later she said she did it because she thought it was the best way to get me to move on. Share. I used to call him or send texts months ago It is a front to hide their own feelings. Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind don't matter. Focus on yourself, and try to heal. I got a text message in afternoon saying, hey I hope your doing well and just checking in since it’s been a while, hope everything is well. Don't text her back and let her gooo willlllddddddd! My ex gf texted me out of the blue today after nearly 3 months no contact. See full list on liveboldandbloom. Something men just use another brain for this. So, why do you - if you do at all - look at your We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ex. Coming from someone who's still friends with a lot of their exes - there's just no reason to unfriend them. I hope you didn't accept it, because For you to find that, you must be completely over him. The breakup was mutual so I’m not sure why she insists on trying to purposely make sure I know she’s already dating. As far as you should be concerned, he must be lost on Instagram. Long story short, I tried getting back with my ex by just laying it out there. I cry nearly every night, I obsessively go through his new partner's social media every few hours (even finding her alternate accounts) to see if she ever mentions him, I fantasize about him being with me again and Thank you I appreciate that you can relate a little. My ex keeps texting me even tho she was the one dumping me…. Through lots of crying and confusing messages, she basically told me she’s confused and wants to be single for a while. Block the new number. Allow yourself to feel it now, just don't focus on it, focus on you. I cried and pleaded with him to change his mind for a few minutes, but ultimately let him go. 1. She first texted my mom 1 week after break up saying she’s “busy and stressed” and she wants to marry me but needs time. i sent her a request years ago for that account. she tried loving me throughout our 2 months but it just didn't work out. Don’t listen to “they moved on you should too”. It has been 2 weeks since the break up and I am currently under no contact rule. It may be that your ex wants to know how you are doing because the man (or woman) is curious about your well-being. Be objective, everyone has to move on eventually, with or without partner but it isn’t as cut and ex keeps texting me. Probably pushed too many people away and is feeling sorry for themselves and lonely, so they hope someone who once cared about them will accept them back in their life. Covid has made life difficult to connect with new people and my dilemma is after that time I realize that a need of mine is to have someone, meaning him, to talk to. So me and my ex were only together 5 months but it’s was the best 5 months of my life and it was my fault the relationship ended (personal issues). I know lots of people with these. we were bestfriends for 1. I think it's normal to hate someone who hurts you. He treated me really badly and I want nothing more to do with him. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hi all. Seemed like he didn’t expect me to be so calm and okay with the break up. And these exes range from people they went on barely a handful of dates with, to people they dated but who didn’t feel ready for a relationship or want to commit, to people they were in relationships with however long ago. You can always try reporting them, but unless they break some other rule of Facebook, they aren't going to remove them. I kissed and hugged him one last time. I think he was shocked that I didn’t beg or try to convince him to not break up. A few weeks later he finally reached out with just a fucking hey and I fell for it hook line and sinker. Be comfortable alone for a while. Sorry to say, it sounds like he's creeping on you for the sake of competition. Reclaiming power over the breakup. 2. You’ve got to really come to grips with the fact that if I honestly feel bad because she thinks im the worst human being and I don't like being called that. It is his lost. She added me from a fake Facebook account she had when we first met. It was getting very addictive to watch them waiting to see his name pop up to check if he had finally unmuted me. my ex also sent me a friend request exactly 13 weeks ago, just like yours. The "out of sight, out of mind" approach. We didn’t message each other, didn’t follow each other, nothing. r/BreakUps. Just keep your cool and don't give her the satisfaction of you losing it. So I would not rule this out as well. Me and my ex were separated before and he blocked me because I was begging. EX. If you do, why? My boyfriend occasionally looks up his ex on Facebook and Twitter. I told him to leave me alone but he always find a way to make it up to me, send me text and tells me he’s worried about me. I thought if there was something important they needed to tell me, they could This might help explain. The requests started when we first started dating, but I didn't think much of it because I though it was typical behavior for maybe a jealous or curious ex. My ex of 3. Then I was talking to a friend, who told me he couldn't deal with seeing my name all over his Facebook. I realize how much time I was wasting looking at others life’s and my ex’s and not focusing on my own life. They sometimes hide their guilt by blaming their decision Bcs of the stupidest shit you can think of. Why on earth you check your ex status? he is an ex. The breakup was difficult because it was sad, not because there was yelling or anger. Our pictures were gone/she was snuggled up next to him only days later. I was with my ex for 3 years on/off. The fact that she slept with one of your friends and now talking shit about you. Move on and hopefully you have friends who care about you. 5 year relationship, blindsided break up over a phone call, family did not like me and caused many fights between us, he probably dumped me coz his family found a “better match”. The next few days I spent texting her trying to get her to change her mind to the point in which she blocked me. He dumped her a month later, and she's had many boyfriends since It could be she's not blocking you because endings of anything are hard. Hugs, girl. Today I looked and he had blocked me on my main We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I decided to inscribe my accounts / delete apps. Did she think I wouldn’t notice her name pop up under accepted friend request. Of course as a caveat, all of my relationships have been wonderful so there's no toxicity or abuse or anything to need to run from. So, we broke up 9 months ago. she had to let To all who want their ex to miss them - i can tell you that it is best to not miss you, they left, their choice. My ex from a few years ago keeps trying to re add me on Facebook. Oh yes! So when I started NC I hid my stories from him. If they, for instance, spun the wheel and got food every time, they’d soon lose interest. sheinerg. Idk if it helps but coming from a woman she probably knows that you’d notice it and it could be a sign she wants you to contact her, or she thinks you’ll try to see what she’s up to, trying to show you something, etc. My boyfriend and I have been together for over two years and his exes keep trying to add me on social media. He keeps telling me I need to ignore him, and he’s just an immature, bitter person. My advice for you is that it's the past. 5 This lady cheated on me with 3 people after 6 years of marriage and threw me away like trash. Honestly my ex did this to me, we got back together 6mos later (a mistake) and he told me it was because it was a difficult thing for him to do. At all! If they miss you, they can reach out. He didn't want to change his mind, and he wanted me to be angry and not kind in response because it made him feel guilty. Not sure what I should do. That, swore that wasn’t it turns out it was. My ex blocked me 4 years ago after I broke up with her since she cheated on me. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Then she called my mom a month later crying saying she’s busy and having a hard time and hopes everyone is doing well, my mom said my ex could barley talk because she was The same exact thing happened to me. You were hurt, you are hurt. Award. She also views my Instagram stories (Directly or through third party websites w/ bots). I made a post the other day how my ex unblocked my Instagram accounts after having me blocked for probably four months. Why are the reasons of blocking your ex different for dumpers and dumpees? I've seen a lot of comments regarding this manner and I've seen two reasons for blocking your ex being repeated constantly: Dumpers = Avoidance. But I just don’t care, and that feels good. They’re treating you like shit now, but they obviously treated you like shit while you were still in the relationship too. Then I found out he had deactivated his main Facebook today. iam_joyc3. And now I'm annoyed at myself for being so worked up by this tiny thing. 5. Almost 3 weeks since she dumped me and I’m starting to move on and feel like myself If you answered no to those questions, you should probably reconsider hanging out with him. Thank you, you’re right on the nail about those who matter not minding, the circles she’s talking shit in don’t concern me It is hard to let go, even when relationship has been toxic. Her behaviour has been inconsistent, ranging from being distant, to her saying she loves/misses me, to sending nudes, back to being distant and even nasty and so on. Anyway, my ex just added me on Facebook. He had already blocked me on Facebook since the breakup. 5 months of NC and we don’t even follow each other. Now I'm just wondering when and why he randomly deleted me off Snapchat and a million scenarios are running through my mind. You have your answer already. I didn’t even cry, I just thanked him and wished him well. Reply reply. We both cried the whole time, even as we walked away. 10 votes, 24 comments. My story of three years with my ex, now we have, [23F] and me [26M]: We met because we First if they are lies and you know so then you shouldn’t really care. 6. Not wanting to deal with the consequences of the breakup. •. This is in continuation of my last post but I’ll give some context here: 1. Whether or not you decline/delete his request is up to you. To see if you're happier without him. If she asks why, just say you dont see the point now that you are not together anymore and leave it to that. Flat out ask her why she feels that way. It's been about 1 and half years later and she has just unblocked me on everything and is watching my insta stories, facebook stories and so on. . Or she wants to downgrade the relationship to a one way street, where you basically chase and validate her for free to boost her ego. We were together 6 years and we broke up in February. ADMIN MOD. I get the impression that he only remembers the bad things from our relationship, and i don't understand why. Maybe they're processing stuff or just not into the digital drama. The reason that we done it as far as I'm aware is because we weren't sure if we were ready to get along with each other but at the same time we really did want to. It’s really hurtful to have an ex mock you, especially when you still care for them. she was the one that dumped me and we parted peacefully although she knows that i will go no contact and block her everywhere. I’m still healing and never received any closure, but was my response too harsh? I’m starting to feel nervous that I might have pushed her away forever. She accepted at first and then changed her mind the next day. I begged her to stay witch I regret but now she keeps texting me and it’s confusing me since she was the one who left me…. It could also be that he's struggling with his own emotions and is using communication with you as a way to cope. She broke NC. I would check her instagram about four times a People block cause they want to move forward and also out of respect for their current partner. My ex (together 2 years) still follows me on social media as well as my family members’ Instagram accounts. Sometimes they don’t even realize the real reason they are breaking up and need any excuse. Tired of having to explain themselves over and over again and it leading nowhere. My ex dumped me last month. I’ll keep this short but I’ll add some context whilst we were together everything was great and we spent most days together, while everything was great I DM’d another girl (my intentions were never to emotionally cheat I just thought it’d make me feel better I ended up blocking her about 2 messages in and told my gf about it and it led to our breakup afterwards I was a clown about the I just found out that my ex blocked my Instagram account yesterday, after 3. ago. He sounded sad and send me a sad message saying he wish he knew this was the endhe would have never let this end come. People do this all the time after a breakup. My ex sent me a gift. Or he is just using the feelings you had for him and making you feel bad by sending you a sad song. They are ignoring you because: 1️⃣ You are not fully aware of how they feel and only see your own perspective. Found out 4 months later I was unblocked. YahBoiMinii. They have moved on and finally made the decision to cut all ties. Given your reaction, I'd say it's a pretty big "no". com Jun 12, 2024 · Let’s explore the possible reason that your ex is adding to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or some other social media account. He also probably thinks he's got you wrapped around his finger. Lol, feels like the reason it "doesn't bother you" is because you want someone to tell you that him doing this means he cares. An ex gets in touch and then disappears (or comes up with the same BS) again because they’ve confirmed you’re still reachable and interested. Vote. Move on. First of all, context: I (26) was with my ex, Tom (not his real name, 27M) for nearly five years. But we do sex casually (when we meet) and always chat all day, do calls, hangout together (both of us or wirh his friends) and nothing change between when we were in Sad truth but remember that it’s all in your head and there is nothing wrong with you people ur ex is selfish and does not consider other people’s feelings but in your mind think the worst outcomes I bet this man has someone else sorry to say that but that’s what my ex did when she blocked me I was with her for 2 years and 2 weeks later she’s in another relationship … a couple of I've posted here a lot, but a quick summary of my story. If they truly loved you during the relationship, they put you at a distance because they know that if they start gazar12890. He has every right to do whatever he wants with them. I’ve felt great the last month, barely thought about her but after Why did my ex unblock me. Only reason why she had my number was cause we have a child. It was something in them. Dumpees = Moving on. And if she created yet another account, I’d block that too. My ex blocked me on IG a month after NC and that really hurt me. It hurt me a lot since it was the first time i loved someone like this, I was heartbroken for months. I mean imagine you’re over you ex, it’s been 6 months since the break up, and you post a shirtless photo looking ripped as fuck and girls and liking it and your Umm for a while me and my ex kept blocking and unblocking each other. Ongoing support for break ups. • 3 yr. It happens, but you deserve better than that. My dumb ass sent him a request and he immediately accepted it and said nothing. Stop trying to figure out the motivations of someone you aren't involved with, a grand total of 1 person knows why they did it. Think about it from your ex’s perspective: he/she is trying to forget about you as much as possible. To be honest, try to see this as a blessing in disguise, it’s going to help you stop obsessing over it. Friends will always come and go and that is a part of life. Twice over text and once over a phone call. Nah don't. Don't try and force yourself into feeling a certain way or thinking certain things. adefsleep. Also that behaviour will lead former partners to lash out, giving more credibility to the break up. It could be that blocking you would make things "real," and she would have to actually confront those emotions that she might be feeling. I've been through a similar situation, and finding solace through this online therapy made a huge difference in my life. If you block someone it means you can’t handle your emotions. Obsessed With My Ex. It wasn't what I pictured a breakup to be. He cried a lot when he did it, saying he was selfish for leaving me but that he just was no longer the real reason why they’re so cold. I (20F) got involved with my ex (23M) about a year ago when we met on a dating app. I sat on the add for a day then deleted her but only after accepting so I can snoop. He keeps talking to you because he knows you'll respond back. When my ex broke up with me I begged her to take me back. I am not sure why. No matter who you are, then end of something is going to bring up complicated emotions. I noticed it in my notifications and called her out for it. Maybe he does have honorable intentions but if it isn’t good for your mental health it isn’t worth it. He met another girl almost right after and he’s now in a relationship with her, he told me he loves her. I also don't think you're ready to date someone new if one message from your ex can set you off the course. The only reasons she’d do this are 1) it’s too painful for her to look at what I’m doing or 2) she’s trying to get a reaction out of me. Because if you didn't want to break up and neither did he, what prompted you feeling it was necessary to do so. My ex and I recently broke up since he started messaging people here on Reddit with cheating kinks. I try to convince myself that it's purely out of curiosity, but I still get jealous. Sometimes his profile is available and I see that he's the first person to watch my stories, and other times I his profile is just gone. Stop stalking her social media. And your ex got tired of this. He has let go of you already. I got annoyed as I thought he was being petty. Maybe your ex is also hurting and looking for a way to show you how much he cared. Someday you won't hate your ex anymore. Understand the meaning of the term. • 1 yr. The fact you are checking up on her social media shows it was probably for the best for BOTH of you that she blocked. TLDR: 6 months post break up. It's also part of the grieving process and it will eventually go away if you keep healing. These types of behaviors from your ex are almost always simply to see if they still have the power to have an in with you or if you’re really done. Reply. Worth mentioning that we live together (in different rooms but same door, same wall) and she woke me up this morning (and literally every other morning) because she slams her door. and it feels fucking good. Some friends go because they get a new job far away, or they simply develop some bitterness and want to isolate themselves away from others. This man or woman may just want to know if you are It’s a terrible feeling, never knowing why someone broke up with you. As soon as I saw that, I went on Facebook and WhatsApp to check if he deleted me from there too but he hasn't. And just to help you think for the worst case (I'm so sorry), he might have hooked up with someone and realised that you're better than that person. Members Online And that’s why I blocked my nex on fb. I’ve been through this too. Probably to stop himself checking your socials or getting hung up on you. The only person that knows your truth is you. Someday you will only feel indifference to this. It helped me gain perspective and navigate the emotional rollercoaster. It’s the randomising of when and if they get the food that makes it exciting. He does seem sympathetic to me and told me he was going to take care of it and talk to my ex. It’s only been a week since I’ve done this but I feel better. Then yesterday we spoke again and I told her my feelings one last time and than People who are fine with just completely dropping all contact with someone that they used to be in a relationship need to learn to deal with the consequences. What made you feel like you couldn't make it work, or work on your guys issues. serious replies only. It was out of the blue and unexpected. I hope you can avoid them and enjoy your own friends for now. It means his motivations are now irrelevant and you shouldn't fry brain cells trying to decipher them. But don't accept. TL;DR at the bottom. For reference she comes from a very toxic and narcissistic household and she would gaslight me and manipulate and lie to me constantly during our relationship. The fuck does this mean? A bit about our relationship. My ex kept doing. It's been nearly a year apart since we broke up and I'm still grieving the break up since it was last week. I wanted to work through things and he didn’t want to. Trust your gut on it. I feel like if she didn’t care she’d keep you blocked. They want security and the comfort of a relationship without the labels/commitment. She left me twice over that time. Most of our friends are mutual because we met through I agree. Does she want to restart things or is she just reminiscing. 5 years prior. Blockings for people that can’t get over shit. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking So I may have miss understood, but why did you feel the break up was necessary. Till we eventually stopped blocking each other and now we are good friends now. He can keep the picture all he wants just think to crop me out of it makes sense. kk gw vs vx ku jm iq oi pb se